CTE Facts

According to data published by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: 

The Catawba County School CTE concentrator graduation cohort rate moved to 99% in 2016. In 2017, we achieved an even higher overall rating of 100%

In 2017, 35 percent of the CCS high school graduates completed a CTE Concentration.

Among CTE concentrators surveyed in the Spring of 2017 (class of 2016) 91.7 percent went on to further education, advanced training or military service, or employment after high school graduation.

In 2016-2017, the total number of CTE courses taken by students in grades 6-12 was 5611

In 2016-2017, students enrolled in 710 Work-based Learning courses (apprenticeships, internships, co-operative education).

During the 2016-2017 school year, Catawba County County School CTE students earned 2155 industry standard certifications/credentials.  Industry-recognized credentials ensure students graduate globally competitive for work and post-secondary education with validated 21st century skills.

During the 2016-2017 school year, 61.1 percent of CCS middle school students enrolled in at least one CTE course. 57.9 percent of CCS high school students enrolled in at least one CTE course at the high school level.