WorkKeys for High School Students

WorkKeys Tests—For High School Students


WorkKeys test scores provide important information no matter what type of career a student plans to pursue after high school.  The WorkKeys system measures skills such as reading, math, listening, locating information, and teamwork. These are skills that employers and colleges feel are critical to success. WorkKeys test results help students understand how they can improve their skills for better-paying jobs or more successful college experiences. Students who take the WorkKeys tests have a clear way to demonstrate their abilities to future employers and colleges.


Large numbers of students are entering the workforce and college without adequate skills to qualify them for the jobs they want. By increasing their skill levels while they are still in school, students increase their opportunities for higher salaries in the future. Because WorkKeys tests measure skills valued by employers and colleges, students can use their results to get a better picture of their chances for success in the workforce and to improve areas where their skills may be weak.


Why should you care about the WorkKeys tests?


All students enter the workforce eventually—whether they get a job right out of high school, work part-time while continuing their education, or go to college first.  The WorkKeys system stresses skills development important for every type of employment. WorkKeys job analyses are conducted for a wide range of jobs across the U.S. economy, from jobs that require short-term on-the-job training to those requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Who takes WorkKeys?


Seniors and early graduates who are CTE Concentrators have the opportunity to take the WorkKeys tests for FREEA CTE concentrator at the secondary school level is a student who has completed at least two course credits in a single CTE program of study or career cluster. Once a student earns two course credits in a single CTE program of study or career cluster, he or she is counted as a CTE concentrator.   See your Career Development Coordinator or School Testing Coordinator for more information.

The North Carolina Career Readiness Certificate (NCCR)


The North Carolina Career Readiness Certificate is aligned with ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate. These certificates are portable, evidence based credentials that certify skills needed for workplace success. They are awarded at four levels—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—based on the scores an individual achieves on three WorkKeys tests:


• Applied Mathematics

• Locating Information

• Reading for Information


These credentials are used across all sectors of the economy and certify the following skills:


• Problem solving

• Critical thinking

• Reading and using work-related text

• Applying information from workplace documents to solve problems

• Applying mathematical reasoning to work-related problems

• Setting up and performing work-related mathematical calculations

• Locating, synthesizing, and applying information that is presented graphically

• Comparing, summarizing, and analyzing information presented in multiple related graphics


Visit the NCRC website.

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Visit for additional information.


See sample questions here: