
Pomodoro Technique

Teacher Lesson Plan

A3 Homeroom Lesson 9.14.20

Objective: At the completion of this lesson, the student will be able to use the Pomodoro technique and the Pomodoro Productivity Planning Tool to improve productivity at home.

Be prepared to answer the following questions in chat:

  1. What makes remote learning challenging?

  2. What gets in the way of you completing your work remotely?

  3. What strategies have helped you overcome these challenges?

LESSON: Watch the Pomodoro Technique video. Watch the Pomodoro Productivity Video. Want to use an online timer? Here's one:

ASSIGNMENT: Use the Pomodoro Productivity Planning Tool Slide below (or posted in your Homeroom Google Classroom to plan out your work and use the Pomodoro technique to use time efficiently and accurately. Be prepared to talk next week about how this worked for you.

TECH TIP: Renew or return library books, textbooks, Chromebooks... How? See this:

Pomodero Productivity - Planning Document