Creating, Imagining, Innovating

In Person and Virtual tutoring, Support, and Social-Emotional Learning groups.

2:05 - 4:00 Late bus is available

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March Habit of Mind

Creating, Imagining, Innovating

What is it? – Looking for creative ways to solve problems or finding alternative possibilities. Being creative.Sounds like – “I wonder what would happen if…” Let’s try this a different way.” Let’s look at this from a new angle”Looks like – Trying several alternatives, analyzing differences for the most precise one.Feels like – Not being happy with the first possible solution. Striving for the new and different. Enjoying new ways to solve problems. Being creative
Creating: This is to bring something into existence, or this could be the cause of something through someone’s actions. Imagining: This is a form of a mental image or a concept of something.
Innovating: This is to make change in something established, especially by introducing new methods or ideas

B4 Homeroom 3.22.2021

How to improve creativity.mp4

Bro-science or scientific method?

Random YouTuber offers advice for increasing creativity. He's creative about it....and sites research. So, what do you think?

NASA uses Terrain Relative Navigation. Now, this is REAL SCIENCE.

Making Connections: How can strengthening your creativity imagination and innovative skills help you in class? In life?

What can we do to recognize and grow this skill?

Make a plan: What will you do TODAY to feel successful THIS WEEK

Instruction: Increasing our Creativity, Imagination, and Innovation

Review the Resources for the week.

Guided Discussion

Three Tips to Increase Creativity

  1. Surround yourself with blue

  2. Mozart Effect

  3. Walk

What can you do to increase your own creativity and innovation skills?

Think about the differences and similarities between the creativity and innovative problem solving from Apollo 13 (remember the Homeroom video from March 8?) to the Mars Landing 2020.

This month you've seen many examples of CREATING, IMAGINING, and INNOVATING.

How can this habit of mind benefit you personally? Your community? Our world?

For more information about Perseverance and Mars 2020 visit:

Seniors: Create your Senior Slide for the Graduation Slideshow Information found in Senior Google Classroom

Virtual Career Fair today 9:30 - 12:05. Click on the Session Tabs below to find out more.

Tech Tip: Search your school library resources with Google

Google Extensions - Library Resources

A3 Homeroom 3.15.2021

What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

How can empathy change perspective?

Blue Crew Commissioner

Making Connections: How can strengthening your creativity imagination and innovative skills help you in class? In life?

What can we do to recognize and grow this skill?

Make a plan: What will you do TODAY to feel successful THIS WEEK

Instruction: Empathy and Imagination

Watch Can Do U video on Empathy and Others Mindedness

Guided Discussion

Empathy is understanding and sharing the feelings of another. Empathy may require creativity to imagine how another might feel about a situation or event.

Empathy helps us to understand what others are going through.

Tips to practice empathy

    1. Take time to listen to people. No judgement. No advice.

    2. Physical Contact (with consent)

    3. Offer help. Take action.

Empathy takes bravery.

  • Think about your own ability to empathize. How has this skill helped you or others in the past?

  • How can you strengthen this skill within yourself?

  • Why do you think it's so hard for people to just listen without judging or adding advice?

  • Imagine what our community look like if more people practiced empathy?


Click Here

B2 Homeroom 3.08.2021

Today's lesson brought to you by the EDU 110 Class. This lesson courtesy of Student Creators: Ella and Jess

Why is facing a blank canvas so difficult?

Inventing the ingenious can seem insoluble! But there is a simple mindhack anyone can use to get over this “writers block,” spark the mind, and ignite the creative process. In this talk, Aadil Vora will demonstrate how we can trick ourselves into thinking more creatively while filtering out the cliché.

Want to learn more about Mission Control and the Apollo 13 Crew working together to problem solve? Click the link above.



It’s interesting to observe how the emergence of the compound word “hashtag” reflects how it has come to be used. For instance, when Twitter users were trying to keep updated with the 2007 fires razing through San Diego County in the US, they found it hard to track “San” “Diego” and “Fires” together. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention, which explains why and how hashtags evolved to be used without spaces, as in #sandiegofires.

Making Connections: How can strengthening your creativity imagination and innovative skills help you in class? In life?

Make a plan: What will you do TODAY to feel successful THIS WEEK

Instruction: Trick your Mind into Being Creative

Guided Discussion :

  • "Apollo 13 is an example of how the box strategy saves lives." How might you use the box strategy to trick your mind into being a creative problem solver?

  • How does Twitter force creativity in expression?

  • What do you think about the #hashtagrevolution? How does the hashtag benefit? Or is it a detriment?

  • Facing creative limitations forces innovation and creativity. How can thinking "inside the box" benefit creativity?

Student Body Officer - Voting is open.

Go to your Google Classroom to vote for your 2021-2022 SBO Representatives

9th - 11th grade

Applications for Class Officers are due Thursday! See slide below for details.

Student Leadership application process

A1 Homeroom 3.01.2021

Today's lesson brought to you by the EDU 110 Class. This lesson courtesy of Student Creators: Emma and Molly

The pandemic has pushed us to create, innovate, and imagine possibilities for the future. Think about an issue that will require creative solutions. Any ideas for solving it?

What is the creativity within you? How is it expressed?

What does creativity mean to you?

Making Connections: How can strengthening your creativity imagination and innovative skills help you in class? In life?

What can we do to recognize and grow this skill?

Make a plan: What will you do TODAY to feel successful THIS WEEK

Instruction: Creativity Within Us

Watch the videos and think about the response questions.

Guided Discussion

  • What does creativity mean to you?

  • Creative approaches shape our world in profound ways. Share examples of creative approaches to solving problems.

  • Think of the last year of living in a pandemic. What are some creative ways you found to stay connected?

Class of 2021

Click below to find a cure for Spring Senioritis.

Check your Senior Senators Classroom for senior survival tools and tips!

Class of 2022, 2023, 2024

Carson High needs YOU! Are you interested in being a leader? Want to organize student events and activities? Here's your chance to be in the room where it happens!

Check out the Student Leadership Applications Information below.

Read Across America + Nevada Reading Week
Student Leadership application process


All human beings have the capacity to generate novel, clever, or ingenious products, solutions, and techniques –if that capacity is developed. Creative human beings try to conceive problem solutions differently, examining alternative possibilities from many angles. They tend to project themselves into different roles using analogies, starting with a vision and working backward and imagining they are the object being considered. Creative people take risks and frequently push the boundaries of their perceived limits. They are intrinsically rather than extrinsically motivated, working on the task for the aesthetic challenge rather that the material rewards.

Creative people are open to criticism. They hold up their products for others to judge and they seek feedback in an ever-increasing effort to refine their technique. They are uneasy with the status quo. They constantly strive for greater fluency, elaboration, novelty, parsimony, simplicity, craftsmanship, perfection, beauty, harmony, and balance.

Some students tend to believe that they are not and cannot be creative. We need to help them find out how and when they are creative and help support and nurture their individual creativity.

“The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” John Schaar, Political Scientist

Information on Habits of Mind are taken from the book Habits of Mind by Costa and Kallick.