Day 1 Program

8:45 - 9:30 am OUTSIDE: COVID TESTING, Coffee and Croissants


10 J.Mulchaey/A.McWilliam Welcome and Introductions

Moderator: Ian Roederer

20 George Preston 15 minutes in the life of an RR Lyrae star (video link)

25 Chris Sneden Cyclical Line Profile Variations in RR Lyrae Stars (video link )

25 Gergely Hajdu Properties of RR Lyrae variables in binary systems: towards a first-time mass measurement (video link)

10:50 - 11:10am OUTSIDE COFFEE BREAK

Moderator: Ata Sarajedini

25 Z Horace Smith Z Period Changes and the Evolution of RR Lyrae Stars and Type II Cepheids (video link)

25 Barry Madore Unifying Sturch's Law, Bailey Types and Oosterhoof Groups (video link)

25 Z Giuseppe Bono Z RR Lyrae at the crossroads: old and new astrophysical problems (video link)

12:25 - 1:55pm OUTSIDE LUNCH BREAK

Moderator: Chris Sneden

25 Igor Soszynski Over 100,000 Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way from the OGLE survey (video link)

20 Heather Morrison Disk RR Lyrae Project (video link)

25 Z Andrew Layden Z Delta-S metallicities and radial velocities of distant RR Lyrae stars (video link)

15 Steve Shectman A spectroscopic sample of RR Lyrae stars with galactocentric radii between 30 and 70 Kpc (video link)


Moderator: Andrea Kunder

20 Alistair Walker The giant but invisible galactic satellite Antlia II: its structure revealed by 318 RRL (video link)

25 Ata Sarajedini RR Lyraes in M31 and M33 (video link)

END AT 4:25pm