Invited Speakers (in-person)

  1. Tim Beers The Photometric Revolution -- 500,000 VMP Stars and Counting!

  2. Ana Bonaca Milky Way halo as viewed by Gaia and the H3 spectroscopic survey

  3. Gergely Hajdu Properties of RR Lyrae variables in binary systems: towards a first-time mass measurement

  4. Yutaka Hirai Numerical models of the r-process

  5. Andrea Kunder A Chemodynamical Study of 50 Inner Galaxy RR Lyrae Stars

  6. Barry Madore Unifying Sturch's Law, Bailey Types and Oosterhoof Groups

  7. Heather Morrison Disk RR Lyrae Project

  8. George Preston 15 minutes in the life of an RR Lyrae star

  9. Mike Rich The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey: A Panchromatic Window on the Galactic bulge

  10. Ian Roederer The astrophysical r-process: What it took to move beyond the remarkable star CS 22892-052

  11. Abhijit Saha Using RR Lyraes as "standard crayons”: non-standard reddening and extinction towards the Galactic Bulge

  12. Ata Sarajedini RR Lyraes in M31 and M33

  13. Steve Shectman A spectroscopic sample of RR Lyrae stars with galactocentric radii between 30 and 70 Kpc

  14. Chris Sneden Cyclical Line Profile Variations in RR Lyrae Stars

  15. Igor Soszynski Over 100,000 Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way from the OGLE survey

  16. Alistair Walker The giant but invisible galactic satellite Antlia II: its structure revealed by 318 RRL

Invited Speakers (online)

  1. Giuseppe Bono RR Lyrae at the crossroads: old an new astrophysical problems

  2. Andrew Layden Delta-S metallicities and radial velocities of distant RR Lyrae stars

  3. Marcella Marconi Predicted pulsation properties of RR Lyrae as standard candles and stellar population tracers

  4. Laszlo Molnar Recent and upcoming results from the Kepler, TESS and Gaia missions

  5. Zdenek Prudil Shocks in photometric light curves of fundamental-mode RR Lyrae stars

  6. Horace Smith Period Changes and the Evolution of RR Lyrae Stars and Type II Cepheids

  7. Robert Szabo RR Lyrae stars and the Kepler mission's heritage