Carmel Senior Choir

(Yr 9-13)

Choir Rehearsal is Wednesday 3:30-5pm (Room H1.10)

Directed by Robert Howell

Yearbook Extract:

"The Carmel Senior choir is a group consisting of hardworking girls across years 9-13 who meet every Wednesday, conducted by Robert Howell. Senior choir is a place where girls can come together to participate in an activity that they love, while feeling as if they are part of a family. Unfortunately this year because of Covid-19, the Senior Choir were not able to compete in the Big Sing or Stations of the Cross but we were still able to perform at the end of year senior prizegiving and the Music Department showcase. We have learnt so much from not only Mr Howell but each other this year. We are looking forward to the future of our choir and we would love more girls to join our choir family!"