Tri-M Music Honor Society
What does Tri-M stand for?
The purpose of Tri-M is to inspire music participation, create enthusiasm for scholarships, stimulate a desire to render service, and promote leadership.
Why should you be in Tri-M? Why You Should be a Tri-M® Member!
The Tri-M Music Honor Society® recognizes and rewards students based on their accomplishments and service activities. Isn’t it nice to be thanked for all you do?
Having a Tri-M chapter at Tesoro HS gives a boost to our music programs. We love helping our music teachers be recognized for their hard work!
Chapter service and community activities show the entire community how important music is in our school. So, the next time it comes to budget cuts, our chapter activities can help make sure that music stays in our school!
Tri-M is a chance for all members of our music program—meaning both the vocalists and the instrumentalists—to work together toward common goals under the leadership of the school faculty. Isn’t it great when we can all get along?
Tri-M gives Tesoro the chance to learn new skills through service activities and taking leadership of chapter projects. WE love learning!!
Tri-M Conferences - Many Tri-M chapters participate in the local, division, and national Tri-M Conferences. As for the division and national events, they’re held at the same time as or as part of selected MENC national and division conferences and feature special sessions just for Tri-M members. Many Tri-M conferences include chances for students to meet members from other chapters, hear special performances, visit music exhibits, and even perform themselves!
Scholarships opportunities sponsored by the National Association for Music Education
2023-2024 Tri-M Executive Board
Tala Siksek, President
Kyle Yuen, Vice President
Ayush Ganguly, Secretary
Justin Li, Treasurer