Artist's Choice

WHAT do you want to make?

For your final project, you have the opportunity to make what YOU want to make. Start by writing a list of items you'd be interested in constructing.

Functional or sculptural? 

Do you want to make something that you can use in your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. ?

Or do you want to make something that hangs on the wall, sits on your desk, or otherwise decorates your world?

WHAT'S your why?

Make a list of things that you are passionate about. What drives you in this world? What are you interested in?

Now combine...

How can you combine what you want to make AND your "why"? Create a list of 5 ideas for your final project.

Know Your Why

This is an artist choice project, YOU are the artist! You must know your why.

Start first by looking, searching, diving deep into an inspiration. I’ve provided some links below to get you started, but inspiration can come from anywhere. ***DO NOT, however, resort to Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, or a random Google Image search. Be intentional about your inspiration.

Your inspiration doesn’t have to be ceramic-related. Maybe you want to research honey bees! Or architecture, or the Civil War, or…

Make a Creative Mind Map

Now that you have your central idea, we'll brainstorm multiple ideas using the mind map strategy. 

Click here for the mind map PDF.

Click here to see examples of high schoolers' mind maps.

Sketch your design

If sketches were not a part of your mind map, draw your design for your final project. 


 Artist's Choice

This will serve as your final. There will not be a written final, however you are expected to be present during finals week to clean the studio and present your final project. 

Click here for the Artist Choice Rubric.

You will submit all your work through Google Classroom. This assignment is called "Artist Choice."