
Printing Nature

Essential Questions: How do we design and create linocut prints to tell a personal story about nature?

History of Printmaking

Intro to printmaking

You will choose a simple 3" geometric design to carve into the block.

Lesson 1: How to carve a lino block

Lesson 2: How to print. You will practice how to print with the 3" geometric design. Craftsmanship counts!

Geometric Print

Create a finished block print using the 3” designs. Here are the requirements:

Ideation Strategies

In order to come up with a creative, original, and meaningful design, we will use several ideation strategies such as:

Final Project: an edition of 10 nature-themed prints

Based on your ideation strategies, narrow in on one final idea.

Conference with Ms. DeWan. Have the following ready to present:

Complete an edition of 10 successful prints with excellent craftsmanship.

Nature Prints - GC Rubric Template

Summative Assessment

(10 points) Project expectations

(30 points) Express the theme of nature

(30 points) Composition & design

(20 points) Craftsmanship

(10 points) Presentation of matted print

Student Examples