Memory Project

Creating a kinder world through art

It's time to learn how to paint!

After learning and demonstrating specific techniques using acrylic paint, you will complete a portrait of a small child who attends a feeding center in Colombia.

SAVE EVERYTHING. Every color mixed, every painting exercise, every sketch.



Painting Exercises (*keep everything*)

Color Wheel

Tints, Tones, Shades

Complementary Colors

The images below show examples of how complementary colors mute each other.

Red / Green

Yellow / Purple

Blue / Orange

Skin Tones

Acrylic Techniques Practice.pdf

Acrylic Techniques

Create a quick abstract expressionistic painting using at least 8 of these acrylic paintings. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Find some more resources below:

Expectations & Grading

Click here for the rubric