Staffing Accommodations

Staffing Accommodations

CCS plans to provide all staff and employees with the resources to feel safe and comfortable returning to the workplace. Supports in place will include:

  • Personal Protective Equipment: Staff will be provided necessary personal and classroom protective resources, as appropriate for their risk exposure, such as masks, gloves, face shields, etc.

  • Professional Development: Staff will be provided with the information, guidance, and professional learning necessary to support virtual instructional practices, health, safety, and mitigation strategies

  • Mentoring: Staff will continue with established mentoring plans to build relationships and provide supports for new teachers virtually and in-person when appropriate.

  • Leave Options: Staff shall be provided with updated resources and procedures, including supporting emergency leave, access to Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and other related benefits; and the use of the CDC health inventory, as it pertains to employees who may need an accommodation.

  • High Risk Staff: CCS has surveyed staff and will enable staff members who are high risk to work in remote/ alternate settings as assigned. CCS shall work with individuals, promoting the prudent use of remote learning opportunities and time off as needed to care for self or family members.

  • Conduct training virtually or ensure that social distancing is maintained during training.