This website outlines the Campbell County Schools 2020-2021 return to school plan. It serves as a broad guide for schools to utilize as a resource for restarting school and will not replace crucial decision-making by each school principal and educational team when making choices between safety concerns and educational planning.

On March 13, 2020, Governor Northam issued Executive Order 53. Schools in Virginia were immediately closed and remained closed until the end of the 19-20 school year.

During this difficult time, families across the state struggled to meet their daily working requirements while supporting their children’s academic progress in remote environments. CCS worked to support students with online and packet instruction. Community members, churches, grandparents, extended family, and many members of our community stood forth to make our students and their families’ lives as normal as they could despite the challenges. CCS Nutrition mobilized and delivered meals daily to students during the remainder of the school year and into the summer. Schools supported their students academically and socially, though extracurricular activities, which serve to support our students and community were cancelled.

As the school year closed, CCS mobilized to create meaningful graduation ceremonies for our graduates. Teachers began an intense series of online instruction to prepare for the future academic challenges ahead and schools began the arduous task of preparing for the unknown school year to follow.

During the late spring, Campbell County Schools closely monitored federal, state and local guidelines and information regarding the pandemic and its future impact upon schools. In early June, the VDOE released Recovery, Redesign, Restart . Based upon this guidance, the school division mobilized members of the school community to create a Back to School Task-force. The Back to School Task-force met and was initially tasked with preparation of student, parent, and staff surveys to gauge the needs and concerns of the Campbell community regarding returning to school.

CCS released the Task-force surveys on June 26 and began a review of these results on July 1. Throughout the months of June and July, administrators worked to prepare buildings for a Phase 3 reopening for all students while social distancing.

The Campbell County Schools Administrative staff wishes to thank our school community for assistance with preparation of this document. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an incredibly challenging time for students, parents, community members, and educators alike, and we thank everyone who has helped inform the decision making process. CCS is excited about the possibility of serving our students and parents face to face again! School Community, please be aware that this plan is subject to change. This plan was approved by the Campbell County School Board on July 20, 2020.

Due to the unforeseen circumstances this pandemic poses to our daily lives, we know that it is just a start to a challenging year.

Reopening Calendar

The Campbell County School Board has suspended the pre-approved academic calendar for the 20-21 school year in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The following calendar for the 20-21 school year was considered and approved at the July 20, 2020, School Board Meeting to meet the unique circumstances presented this academic year.

General Questions: email:

For specific questions about your child, please contact your child's teacher or school administrator.