9th Grade

Homeroom Activities

August: Create personal annual Career/Academic/Social goals and record in My Journal under My Plan

September: Completion of EXPLORE Career Inventory (Boy Scout)

October: Complete Career Selector and save results into My Plan

November: Save an additional Career Cluster into My Plan. Also, save two careers from within that cluster to My Plan.

December: Revisit your annual Career/Academic/Social goals in My Journal under My Plan that you recorded in August. Reflect: How did you meet these goals and what goals/expectations do you want to set for the coming trimester.

January: Completion of the Career Matchmaker in Career Cruising and save additional careers to their portfolio.

February: Update Four-Year Education Plan

    • Participation in CVTC Career Tour

March: Journal entry on CVTC Career Tour Experience. Reflect: Besides lunch, what did you most enjoy about your tour of CVTC? What career area/education program did you find most interesting? Did this spark an interest for you or make you want to explore a career path further? Please explain.

April: Go back to Career Matchmaker and choose one of the top 10 recommended careers that you are interested in and EXPLORE the training/ college program in order to learn about future training opportunities for this career. Save to My Plan.

    • Participation in school sponsored Career Fair (twice during their high school years)

May: Update Hobbies and Interests, Extracurricular Activities, Awards & Certificates, Volunteer experiences and Personal Skills and Abilities in My PLAN