10th Grade

Homeroom Activities

August: Create personal annual Career/Academic/Social goals and record in My Journal under My Plan

September: Completion of EXPLORE Career Inventory (Boy Scout)

October: Complete Career Selector and save results into My Plan

November: Complete My Skills Inventory and Complete Learning Styles Inventory

December: Revisit your annual Career/Academic/Social goals in My Journal under My Plan that were recorded in August. Reflect: How did you meet these goals and what goals/expectations do you want to set for the coming trimester.

January: Completion of the Career Matchmaker in Career Cruising and save additional careers to their portfolio.

February: Update Four-Year Education Plan

    • Participation in Business, Industry and Manufacturing Tour
    • Completion of ASVAB and results interpretation

March: Journal entry on Business, Industry and Manufacturing Tour Experience REFLECT: Based on the businesses that were toured, what did you most enjoy and why? Additionally, were there any careers at these businesses that you thought were interesting and may want to explore further?

April: Go back to Career Matchmaker and choose one of the top 10 recommended careers that you are interested in and EXPLORE the training/ college program in order to learn about future training opportunities for this career. Save to My Plan.

    • Participation in school sponsored Career Fair (twice during their high school years)

May: Update Hobbies and Interests, Extracurricular Activities, Awards & Certificates, Work Experience, Volunteer experiences and Personal Skills and abilities in My PLAN.