“In the last week of Jesus Christ’s life as an earthly human, he did many things that would make his last days some of the most vital ones in history. Jesus did many things that would have a lasting impact on the Christian faith, with one of the most symbolic being at the Last Supper where he broke bread and shared wine with his disciples for it symbolizes Christ's body broken for us and the blood he shed for our sins. During the Last Supper, there was a dispute amongst the disciples as to which one of them was considered to be the greatest, so Jesus told them that “the greatest among them should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.” (Luke 22:26) Why did he point this out to his disciples? It’s simple. He did it because those words represent his purpose for arriving on earth; Jesus’ reason for coming to this world was to serve. ”

~ Morgan Lee

“In Luke 22:26, Jesus is telling his disciples how important it is to be humble and to serve with humility. Jesus wanted his disciples to focus on serving and being humble more than gaining power or ruling over people. He wants us to be different from the world and be humble in our actions. Jesus is the perfect example of this. Throughout his whole life, Jesus humbly went about and served people. Jesus humbled himself to come in the form of a human in order to rescue us. Up until the point of his death, he was humble and served others, even his enemies. He washed other people's feet, which at the time was a job for only the lowliest servants. He even healed the ear of a servant of one of the men who were trying to arrest him and ultimately crucify him. Even through his death, he faithfully served his purpose, humbling himself to have the death of a criminal in order to save us. Jesus’ whole life was one of serving and humility. We should follow in his footsteps humbly serving and doing what we are asked to do.”

~ Sara Navarrete

The Inspirational Verse for Young Christian (I.V.Y.C) section was brought to you by Richard Mutangi, Morgan Lee, and Sara Navarrete