Debate Team

The News Of The Month

This past month, the CPA Debaters have turned a new leaf. Our debates are ongoing nearly every week now. We are adopting an open floor; everyone included, style of discussion. It has gone great so far, discussing topics such as climates, high schoolers with jobs, and CPA itself.

To anybody considering joining, know, it is never too late with our club. As CPA Debaters, we are committed to providing a space for students to air their thoughts and opinions.

We meet Thursdays at 11 am PST, with our advisor, Dr. Van Wickle."

Next month's debate will occur every Thursday!

The Debate Team is not just about debating, but it's also about electing officers! The Debate Team would like to show you its new leaders in the positions of Debate President, Lead Debater.

This role went to the student:


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