Meet the Takamoto Family in Japan

Here at CPA, we have the honor of having Annie and Olivia Takamoto as our students. Owen Takamoto graduated from CPA last year, Annie Takamoto has been a CPA student for five years now, and Olivia has been with us for two and a half. The Takamoto family are missionaries in Japan who have a very unique mission: providing jobs for the local women in their community by creating and selling jewelry made from pottery found in the wreckage caused by the tsunami that hit March 11th, 2011.

The Takamotos moved to Ishinomaki to help in relief efforts in response to what was known as the Triple Disaster; an earthquake and tsunami which devastated the area. At first, Owen, Annie, and Olivia were not excited to move to the “cursed city," yet after a while, they were able to become friends with the other children that survived this disaster. After seeing lots of broken pottery in the rubble, their family started the Nozomi Project.

They employ and train the female survivors of the disaster to make beautiful jewelry from the broken pottery. Today, their jewelry is sold all over the world, with the proceeds going back towards the Nozomi Project women, the Nozomi Project, and other organizations. CPA has had a considerable impact on their ministry. With CPA’s flexible schedule, Annie can work at the workshop for the Nozomi Project in Ishinomaki and help out with their ministry.

The Takamoto family, along with the Nozomi Project women, have also been involved in ministry in Cambodia, which both Annie & Olivia were able to help with. There, they taught women how to sew gift bags to help with the Nozomi Project. Recently, their church has been going through lots of changes because ofCovid-19. So, they are asking for prayer regarding their church and ministry.

You can help this great ministry by buying jewelry from or donating to the Nozomi Project by clicking here or on the button below.

The Takamoto Family section was brought to you by Sara Navarrete