Digital Citizenship & Technology Education

In an effort to help our teachers in this unprecedented situation we are sharing a list of distance learning resources that are recommended by fellow educators. Some may fit into your curriculum. They may not follow state standards directly, but the content will be sound. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated regularly. If you have resources that you would like to share, please use the link on the home page.

Resources for Supporting Distance Learning for Technology Topics

REMC Resources

REMC Digital Citizenship Tookit (MITECS K-12) - The Digital Citizenship Toolkit provides resources and guidance for educators as they help students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.

REMC Media Literacy Toolkit (MITECS K-12) - The Media Literacy Toolkit is designed to support educators as they introduce students to the process of finding, organizing, using, producing, evaluating and distributing information in a variety of media formats.

REMC 21 Things for Students (MITECS 5-9) -Students build technology competencies as they prepare for tomorrow’s careers. These engaging activities and projects easy to embed into any middle school content area or lesson. They help students become knowledgeable about information literacy and digital citizenship skills with a focus on internet safety and cyberbullying.

REMC 21 Things for Teachers (ISTE) - 21Things4Teachers is a free course that helps educators make connections between technology tools and best practice instructional strategies.

REMC MiTechKids (MITECS K-5) - Digital-age teaching and learning for K-5 educators. This tool features brief lessons with ideas and resources for integrating free technology resources into the classroom curriculum. It was created for teachers by teachers and aligned to support Michigan’s Integrated Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS).

Computer Science

CS Unplugged (CS K-8) CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.

CS First (CS 4-8) CS First provides free, easy-to-use computer science enrichment materials that engage a diverse student population in grades 4-8 (ages 9-14). Facilitators use the video content to teach kids coding basics with Scratch, a block-based coding tool. CS First is available online at and can be used by anyone, in any setting (in school, after school, or outside of school).

CS4ALL (CS K-12) CS4ALL offers integrated meaningful computer science learning experiences at all grade levels and subjects.


  • Every Can Code (CS K-12) Everyone Can Code teaches you how to solve problems and work together in creative ways. And it helps you build apps that bring your ideas to life. We (Apple) think everyone should have the opportunity to create something that can change the world. So we’ve designed a new program with the tools and resources that let anyone learn, write and teach it.

  • (CS K-12) - Embrace the new Michigan K-12 Computer Science standards and add coding to your classroom. Learn how a computer works. Learn how the Internet works. Learn how to build apps. Works with a computer or smartphone. has put together

Other Resources

Digital Citizenship (MITECS K-12) - Add a digital citizenship component to your lessons. Teach kids how to stay safe online and practice appropriate online behavior.

Be Internet Awesome - Teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Harvard CS50 (CS 10-12) - Harvard CS50 is a real-world coding class for students with little or no experience. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, and software engineering. Languages include C, Python, and SQL plus HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Problem sets inspired by the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Direct link to syllabus, schedule, and problem sets.

Minecraft for Education (CS 6-12) - Microsoft has made Minecraft Education free until June 30th, 2020 and it is one of the best learn to code platforms available for kids. There are also lessons and guides created and ready to go. Requires a Windows PC or Mac Computer and will not work on a Chromebook.

Check eligibility for your school using the Getting Started page.

Download Minecraft and login with your school email/password

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