Life Skills

Content Area Resources

LCE: Life Centered Education (LCE) is an online transition curriculum offered through CEC. While it is not a free curriculum, they are offering a free 2-week trial.

News 2 You: News 2 You is offering free access to their curriculum resources during this time to support distance learning. One of the N2Y programs, Unique Learning Systems (ULS), includes curriculum focused on teaching transition skills. These resources are especially helpful for teachers working with students with cognitive impairments.

Overcoming Obstacles: Overcoming Obstacles is a free, award-winning, and research-based life skills curriculum that provides educators with the tools to teach elementary, middle, and high school students the skills necessary for success. With hundreds of easy to teach activity-based lessons covering more than 30 critical social and emotional skills, students learn how to communicate effectively, make informed decisions, set and achieve goals, resolve conflicts, solve problems, respect one another, and more.

Project Life: Youth Skills for LIFE is the independent living skills curriculum compiled by Project LIFE for young people who are in need of learning, enhancing, or supporting life skills to effectively transition into adulthood. The curriculum focuses on six of the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) categories, providing two to four workshops (lessons) for each topic. Below each workshop (lesson) topic you will find a Leader’s Guide and all of the necessary files you’ll need to facilitate the workshop (lesson).

NARIC Life Skills Manual: This evidence-based curriculum was developed between 2009 and 2012 in response to a lack of resources available for adults who desire to learn practical life skills to live independently in the community. It is intended to provide the content and resources needed to teach life skills to a wide variety of individuals who need assistance in this area.

Life Skills Curriculum Standards: Provided through the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, this list provides examples of possible life skills topics that may be addressed as well as online resources for building a curriculum.