Social Studies

In an effort to help our teachers in this unprecedented situation we are sharing a list of distance learning resources that are recommended by fellow educators. Some may fit into your curriculum. They may not follow state standards directly, but the content will be sound. Please keep in mind that this page will be updated regularly. If you have resources that you would like to share, please use the link on the home page.

Resources for Supporting Distance Learning in Social Studies

  • MI Open Book Project (K-12): The MI Open Book Project is an initiative funded by the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in which a group of master teachers collaborated and developed an open educational resource (OER) for classrooms around Michigan. It also allows teachers to customize the content to them and their students.

  • Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum (MC3) K-12: The MC3 curriculum is aligned to the content in the Michigan Social Studies Standards although with the recent revision of the standards in June/2019, much of the the coding (depending on the grade) is no longer accurate.

  • NEWSELA Social Studies (K-12): High quality social studies content - Take the pain out of finding, differentiating, and matching content to social studies standards with engaging and vetted texts, sourced from world-class content providers.

  • History at Home from the History Channel: free video series with activities of brief history lessons designed to teach, inspire and motivate children