Topic 1 Number Sense

Absolute Value: the distance a number is from zero. Example: |-5| = 5

Additive Inverse: the value to add to a number to make zero. Example: 3 + (-3) = 0

Compound Fraction: a fraction with a numerator or denominator that is also a fraction

Integers: the set of whole numbers and their opposites. {0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, ...}

Multiplicative Inverse: the value to multiply to a number to make 1. Example: (4)(1/4) = 1

Rational Number: any number expressible as a ratio of integers

Repeating Decimal: a decimal that has a sequence of digits that repeats forever. Example: 4.321321321... NOT: 4.12112111211112...

Terminating Decimal: a decimal with a repeating part that is only zeros.