Topic 8 Surface & Volume

Adjacent Angles: angles that share a ray

Area: the number of square units (or fraction thereof) that cover a shape

Base: a side of a polygon (not necessarily the "bottom") used for reference to other sides

Circumference: the perimeter of a circle

Complementary Angles: a pair of angles that total a right angle

Composite Figure: a shape made of other shapes "stuck" together

Cross Section: the intersection of a plane and a space (3-D) shape

Diameter: the longest length of a chord of a circle, or one of those chords. The distance from the circle to the circle, through the center.

Height: the length from one base of a right rectangular prism to the other.

Parallel: describes coplanar, non-intersecting lines

Parallelogram: a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides

Perpendicular: describes lines that meet at all equal angles

Quadrilateral: a polygon with exactly four sides

Radius: a segment from the circle to its center, or the length of that segment

Rectangle: a quadrilateral with all equal angles

Rhombus: a quadrilateral with all equal sides

Scale Drawing: a figure whose lengths are proportional to the original, and whose angles are the same.

Square: a rectangle rhombus

Supplementary Angles: a pair of angles that total a straight angle

Surface Area: the total area of all surfaces of the figure

Trapezoid: a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides

Triangle: a polygon with exactly three sides

Unique Triangle: a description of a triangle that creates only congruent triangles

Vertical Angles: non-adjacent angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines

Volume: the number of cubic units (or fraction thereof) that fill a shape