
Using SchoolMessenger to Communicate with Your Students and Their Parents

This page is part of a series of "remote learning" and "remote working" pages being maintained by Professional Learning Technology. Please visit our Remote Learning/Working page for more resources.

Please see the two videos below to help you use SchoolMessenger to send email communications with your students and/or their parents.

Accessing SchoolMessenger from Home Computer.webm

Watch this video if you are trying to connect to SchoolMessenger from a personal (non-BVSD) computer. After you get yourself logged in to SchoolMessenger, watch the next video to learn how to use SchoolMessenger to send an email broadcast.

Accessing and Using SchoolMessenger.webm

Watch this video to see how to build a list of students (and/or guardians) in SchoolMessenger, as well as how to send an email broadcast to that list.

To best use SchoolMessenger, make sure your students' parents know they can update their contact information with your building's front office staff and/or registrar - you want to have as many parent email addresses as possible!

In terms of Infinite Campus Parent Portal contact information, registrars/office staff can send out a letter directly from within IC, giving parents instructions about accessing the portal and their own personal Campus Activation Key.

To accomplish this task:

  • In IC, go to Index - open BVSD Tools (down near the bottom) - and click on IC Parent Portal Accounts. It will open a new window, where you'll see two gray boxes. One of them is "Email IC Portal Activation Key." You'll see that you can email out individualized instructions to parents/guardians by just clicking on "Send Emails." If your office gets any questions, they can refer to this IT Knowledge Base article (KB017), which explains how to help them:

Regarding parents updating their contact info, the ADU window is not open yet, so they cannot make their own updates at this time. My suggestion on this is perhaps putting a note in the next school-wide communication, telling parents to email the office with any requested changes as soon as possible.

One other thing: I know that many, if not most, parents access their parent portal from the mobile app on their phones. However, if they are having any issues, suggest that from a computer or laptop, they go to, click on Parent, and then go to the 'paper clip' icon and access their parent portal there.

(Thanks to Lisa Gefke for this super helpful Infinite Campus information!)