Infinite Campus Tutorial (For Students and Parents)

Checking your Grades in Infinite Campus

Hello! This page is intended to help students find the most useful page for checking your grade in a particular class in Infinite Campus. While the overview page of the "Grades" page is helpful, it doesn't really help students get to the root cause of why their grade is what it is. When you see a grade in a class that you are unhappy about or confused by, it's best to go to this page and examine assignment by assignment what is specifically causing the problem(s). Here's a quick tutorial to step you through where to go.

Step 1 - Log In

You can access the student and parent portal from the Single-Sign-On Portal (SSO)

Sign in using your BVSD username and password. Your username is your first initial, middle initial and up to 17 characters of your last name(s), followed by a two digit number (typically 01).

For example, my BVSD username would "djlaman01"

Once you are at the Single-Sign-On Portal page, click on the icon for "Infinite Campus." If Infinite Campus requires you to sign in as well, use the same information you used to get into the SSO.

Step 2 - Getting to your Grades

When you log in, you should see a screen similar to the one below. In the left menu, find the link to "Grades" and click on that link.

Clicking on the "Grades" link will bring you to an overview of your grades for each class. Helpful, but not what we're looking for.

To get to a list of all the assignments for just ONE class, click on the name of the class you want more info from. In the example below, you'd click on "MIDDLE LEVEL ENGLISH LANG ARTS." In the example below, clicking where the circle is would get you a breakdown of all the individual assignments for your Language Arts class.

Step 3 - Checking Each Assignment for a Class

The screen below is the screen where you can learn the most about the class you are worried about. You will see EVERY assignment entered into Infinite Campus so far, the scores you've received, if it is marked missing, or if you have received a zero for the assignment. Along the right-hand column, you'll also see comments that the teacher has made, as well as some comments automatically generated by Infinite Campus, including "Late", "Missing", and "Exempt".

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