8th Grade

Be Aware of What You Share

How can you protect your privacy when you're online?

Kids your age share a lot of information whenever they go online -- sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. But do they understand that online privacy isn't just what they say and post? Learn about your digital footprints and the steps you can take to shape what others find and see about you.

Grade 8 - Being Aware of What You Share - Lesson Slides

Sexting and Relationships

What are the risks and potential consequences of sexting?

It's natural for teens like you to be curious about your emerging sexuality. But most middle-schoolers aren't prepared for the risks of exploring this in the digital age. Think critically about self-disclosure in relationships and practice how you'd respond to a situation where sexting -- or a request for sexting -- might happen.

Grade 8 - Sexting and Relationships - Lesson Slides