Grade 11

Who's Looking at Your Digital Footprint?

How can information you post online affect your future opportunities?

Our digital footprints can have a powerful impact on our future. This can be a scary thought, given that what's in our digital footprint isn't always in our control. Teach students that digital footprints are an opportunity to showcase their best selves and craft a footprint that leads to future success.

DCAA-Grade 11 - Who's Looking At Your Digital Footprint?

Online Disinhibition and Cyberbullying

How does online disinhibition sometimes lead to cyberbullying?

Texting and chatting online can sometimes feel just like talking to someone in person, but it's actually pretty different. It's all because of something called the "online disinhibition effect," which makes us more likely to share or communicate differently from how we would in person. Help your students learn to consider this concept before they post, and stop digital drama and cyberbullying before they start.

DCAA-Grade 11 - Online Disinhibition and Cyberbullying