Grade 10

Risk Check for New Tech

What privacy risks do new technologies present, and how do we decide if they're worth it?

New tech, like location services and smart devices, helps make our lives easier and opens opportunities that didn't exist before. But these innovations also come with a cost -- especially to our privacy. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of these new technologies -- and decide whether they're ultimately worth it.

Grade 10 - Risk Check for New Tech - Lesson Slides

Safety, Privacy, and Security Discussion Ideas for Friends and Families

Use privacy settings.

Sit down with tweens and teens to show the privacy settings you use on your apps and devices. Talk about why you keep certain information private or limited to a small group. Ask them what information they feel comfortable sharing and why.

Read the fine print.

Find the privacy policy of your kid's favorite app and read it together. Is it clear or complicated? Can you tell what information the company collects and what they do with it? Are they selling it? Storing it? Keeping it safe?

Discuss online scams, clickbait, and "special offers."

Share experiences of being targeted for a scam. Have either of you ever received a fishy email or text? What tipped you off? Discuss the telltale signs of a hoax, including poor grammar, misspellings, Photoshopped images, and close-but-not-exact company logos. And don't forget quizzes and tantalizing pop-ups, which can disguise shady privacy practices.

Understand how tech companies make money.

Along with your tween and teen, research how digital devices, social media platforms, and apps and games get paid. Do they sell ads? Do they sell kids' data? What steps can you take to limit the amount of data you share while still using the platforms?

Countering Hate Speech Online

How can we counter online hate speech and xenophobia?

As humans, we thrive on social connections and group associations. But this tendency can also lead us to be suspicious of people outside our group. This fear -- xenophobia -- can be overcome by more exposure to people who are different from us. However, the internet can often make this more difficult. Help students recognize this challenge and find strategies for navigating content online.

Grade 10 - Countering Hate Speech Online - Lesson Slides