Grade 12

The Health Effects of Screen Time

Can screen time be bad for us?

The research is still out when it comes to exactly how screen time affects our health. But one area where we know it does is our sleep. Just having a device near us seems to change the way our brains work. Help students learn that being responsible with digital media means adjusting how we use it so it isn't unhealthy for our bodies or our brains.

DCAA-Grade 12 - The Health Effects of Screen Time

Should Online Hate Speech Be Censored?

Should online hate speech be censored?

Hate speech can be both distasteful and offensive, but in many countries it isn't illegal -- it's protected as free speech. But should it be? Many people worry that tolerance of hate speech, especially online, has led to acts of actual violence and hate crimes. But if hate speech is banned, who gets to decide what qualifies or doesn't qualify? Pose these questions for students, and help them think through the importance of both respect for others and free speech.

DCAA-Grade 12 - Should Online Hate Speech Be Censored? -