6th Grade

Chatting Safely Online

How do you chat safely with people you meet online?

Games, social media, and other online spaces give you opportunities to meet and chat with others outside the confines of your real-life communities. But how well do you actually know the people you're meeting and interacting with? You should consider whom you're talking to and the types of information you're sharing online.

Grade 6 - Chatting Safely Online - Lesson Slides

Sara's Chats

Scenario 1:

Sara's soccer coach connected her with Asseal, a player he coaches from a nearby town. Sara and Asseal both play goalie and have other common interests, like playing in band. They have been chatting off and on for about a month through a social media messenger app. They talk about games and problems they are having at school with friends. They have shared when and where they will be playing soccer. They have also told each other their team names, logos, and favorite soccer fields in the area. Last week, Asseal sent her some memes of soccer players that included some bad language and inappropriate images. Asseal mentioned that she should probably make sure her parents didn't see it. 

Scenario 2:

Sara loves taking pictures and posting them to Instagram. A few months ago, she noticed alex_eastwest13 liked several of her photos and commented "you are so talented!" Sara was flattered. Then she received a private message from alex_eastwest13 asking if she was a professional photographer or if she wanted to be one someday. Sara responded that it was her dream to be one when she grew up. Now, they talk a lot through private messaging. Sara also posts comments on alex_eastwest13's photos, which are mostly of random objects and nature scenes. Last week, alex_eastwest13 asked if she would post more selfies because "i think u r beautiful." Alex_eastwest13 also messaged her a cell number so she could send more personal pictures. "Just don't tell anyone I gave you this," alex_eastwest13 commented.

Finding Balance in a Digital World

How do we balance digital media use in our lives?

We use digital media every day, from texting, streaming TV shows, and gaming all the way to using voice assistants or ordering our food online. For you, it's probably a lot more than just "screen time." So how can you balance your online and offline lives? It starts with recognizing just how much media you use.

Grade 6 - Finding Balance in a Digital World - Lesson Slides