MultiMedia Consultants

Copy of Multimedia Consultant Responsibilities


are student assistants dedicated to helping users and courses with basic troubleshooting, software and technology introductions, and general media assistance. Consultants help proctor the digital video editing lab through late afternoons and evenings during mid-Fall & Spring semesters of each school year.

Media Consultants also create content showcasing and introducing new technology, which they use as course supplemental materials and as liaisons for academic multimedia project support.

Media Consultants work with the Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship department, which is part of L&IT at Bucknell University. Media Consultant support a variety of multimedia knowledge and can provide unique assistance in addition to basic hardware troubleshooting. MC’s are most often available in the late afternoons and evenings within the lab to assist with general technical questions from students, faculty, and staff. MC’s are generally available from 4-10pm, Sunday through Thursday, or by appointment.

If you are in interested in becoming an MC, please review our position description or speak to one of our MC’s if they are available.

The Digital Video Editing Lab contains 11 iMac stations supporting programs such as Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Apple Motion, iShowU, Illustrator, Audacity and Photoshop. The Video Lab is connected through high-speed thunderbolt to a Lumaforge server known as “Jellyfish” which hosts project media in the lab. This resource eliminates the need to purchase external hard drives when working with video/audio software.

The lab is staffed by Media Consultants, who work for Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship (located on the third floor of the library). Each Media Consultant supports a variety of multimedia knowledge and can provide software assistance as well as basic hardware troubleshooting. MC’s work mostly late afternoons and evenings in the lab to assist with questions from students, faculty, and staff. Their hours in the lab begin the first week before Fall break.

The Digital Video Editing Lab hours are the same as the library hours. No reservation is needed to work in the video lab, however the lab is frequently used by classes during the day and may be scheduled for exclusive use during class periods. Our video lab is for students, faculty, and staff who are producing multi-media assignments or projects (video/audio). If the lab is busy and you are not working on a multi-media project, you may be asked to give up your seat.

Media Consultants also produce instructional and introductory videos for reference on equipment and software to use.