
Let's Chat

One-on-One consultations are THE preferred method of instruction and support, and my calendar is shared here, though you are encouraged to also:

Areas of Expertise

This site is primarily focused on video and audio production, however I'm happy to discuss any aspect of multimedia creation with you or your group.

My background is primarily in Video production, but my interests include Photography, Podcasts, Animation & Gaming. Whatever your multimedia interest, I would be happy to offer my help in assisting your educational objectives.


Video Software

iMovie | Final Cut Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro | DaVinci Resolve | Adobe Rush

Audio Software

Audacity | Garageband | Adobe Audition | Logic Pro X | Bandlab | & more.

Animation Software

Krita | Stop Motion Studio | Adobe Character Animator | Sparkol | After Effects

Vyond | Animoto | Powtoons | Animaker | Biteable | Videoscribe

My Schedule