
What is Production?

In short, Production is the recording phase of your project. Production includes the means of filming or recording, narrating voice-overs, conducting interviews, drawing animations, capturing & downloading footage, and other several other means of producing media for use in your project.

The production phase can be one of the most fun, but also most difficult and unpredictable phases of a project's progression. The more and better prepared you are from your pre-production elements, the easier the recording of your project will be. However, many factors that may be beyond your control, as complications from recording or producing can and may hinder your final edit, so it's important to review potential challenges and accommodate time and effort prior to recording.

Throughout the production phase having others on hand to assist or manage certain roles or aspects of the process is invaluable. For example, if you are interviewing someone, having someone else film, having another person handle the lighting, and another focusing on the audio recording will allow the person conducting the interview to focus on the process and content of the interviewee during the time of recording.

Collaboration with others is imperative to the production process.

The following section includes articles and information on some of the more common stages of production.

Topics include:
  • Recording field audio

  • Voice-overs / Narration

  • Finding and recording music & sound effects


Topics include:
  • 3-point lighting

  • Why & how light makes your image look good

  • Color and White balancing

Filming Video

Topics include:
  • Tips on Filming, Framing & Composing

  • Staging and Conducting an Interview

  • Video terms and options

Collecting Media

Topics include:
  • Using Presentation Tools

  • Video Screen Captures

  • Creative Commons Media