Grant Funding Presentation

Like your website, your grant funding presentation is a "sales pitch" (think "Shark Tank") to the audience, with the goal of convincing audience members to contribute as much grant funding money to your group as possible. It should be straightforward and appropriate to a serious scientific presentation.  

Group members should be dressed appropriately for a professional, scientific presentation (See this link for specifics).  

Slides should be compelling and informative, but should NOT including distracting, "flashy" backgrounds.  

Every member of the group will present at least one slide each during the presentation.  Your group will have 10 minutes to present, and 3 minutes for questions (if time allows).  Each slide MUST have the speaker notes of what the presenter is going to say included.

Requirements for the minimum number of slides and information can be found below.

1: Introduction to Proposal

2: Current actions/events for this topic

3: Compelling Issue

4: Overview of Proposal

5: Demonstration of Proposal

6: Logistics

7: Budget

8: Conclusion