Group Roles

Each member of the group will be responsible for a specific role, primarily related to the parts of the website.  Each group members will present at least one slide in the group presentation as well.  Please keep in mind, though, that all group members are equally responsible for the group website, presentation, and artifact.

The individual roles are as follows:

1. The Home Page "Background" Editor:  Makes sure that background info establishes the history of the group's topic.   

2. The Home Page "Current Research and Actions" Editor:  Makes sure that a brief summary of important research projects and current government and public actions in relation to the topic is provided.

3. The Home Page "Proposal Overview" Editor:  Makes sure that an overview of specific issue(s) in your topic that your grant proposal will address, along with a brief summary description of what action(s) your group is proposing, are provided in your proposal.

4. The Funding Proposal Page "Action Plan" Editor:  Makes sure that that a point-by-point description of what specific actions the group plans to take is provided in your proposal.

5. The Funding Proposal Page "Proposed Budget" Editor:  Makes sure that the detailed list of specific actions the group plans to take is provided in your proposal, along with the cost of each proposed action AND a total for all costs combined.

6. The Group Manager: The Group Manager makes sure that all sections of the website AND the presentation have the same fonts, font sizes, appearance and color throughout (can do without permission, may NOT edit content).  The Group manager is also responsible for making sure that all of the required pieces of information are posted to the Reference Page.  Finally, the Group manager is also responsible for making sure that all required elements are present in the website and presentation and website text has been submitted to 

NOTE - In groups with fewer than 6 members, the entire group will take on the responsibilities of the Group Manager.