FINE ART PrintER Training


Training oveRview

PART 1 Online quiz

PART 2 In-person check-in

Person holding large black and white photo of a mountain range in front of them


The training can take awhile to both complete and for the MMLs to process, especially if the training takes place over the weekend. We recommend starting the process at least 5 Business days to before you need to print. If you need to print something immediately, we recommend you take a look at some local alternatives, which have much quicker turn around times. 

You will need to have Photoshop installed on your computer for the quiz, or work from one of the MML computers in Granoff. You will also need to download the images in this google folder.

If you are new to photoshop and feel after reviewing the materials below that you need additional help understanding how to layout your images correctly, then please sign up for a 1-on-1 help session, in addition to the training check-in below, to review this portion of the training with one of our CTAs

2. Changing Paper and Ink Options on the Printer

Some things worth noting:

3. 2D Printing Training Quiz

Take the quiz, then schedule your in-person check-in!

This should only take about 15 mins to complete. You will need to have Photoshop installed on your computer for the quiz, or work from one of the MML computers in the Granoff Center.

You must get 100% correct, but don't worry! You can take the quiz as many times as you need to. Simply click "Edit your response" on the form to change your answers and resubmit.

4. Training Check-in

Your in-person check-in will be with a member of our CTA staff and you will: 

The in-person check-in will take place in the Granoff MML Lab

What to expect after training

Person taking a large print out of the printer