


3A10.10 Simple Pendulum

To demonstrate the simple harmonic motion of a pendulum.

3A10.15 Adjustable Simple Pendulum

To show the relationship between period of oscillation and the length of a simple pendulum.

3A10.17 Different Mass Pendula

To show the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum does not depend on its mass.

3A10.30 Torsion Pendulum

To show the moment of inertia of a torsion pendulum is directly proportional to its period of oscillation.

Physical Pendula

3A10.40 Variable g Pendulum

To show the relationship between a pendulum’s period of oscillation and acceleration due to gravity.

3A10.50 Cycloid Track

To demonstrate the period of oscillation of a ball on a cycloid track does not depend on the height from which the ball was released.

3A15.10 Physical Pendulum

To show the oscillation of a physical pendulum.

3A15.15 Spherical Physical Pendulum

To show oscillation of a spherical physical pendulum.

Springs and Oscillators

3A15.50 Center of Percussion

To show that an object rotates about an axis when struck at the corresponding center of percussion.

3A15.54 Center of Percussion Stick and Puck

To show an object has many centers of percussion which correspond to different axes of rotation.

3A20.10 Mass on a Spring

To show the period of oscillation of a mass and spring depends on the mass.

3A20.17 Two Vertical Springs and Masses

To show the dependence of the frequency of oscillation on the spring constant.

3A20.20 Series & Parallel Springs

To demonstrate effective spring constants of springs in series and parallel.

3A20.25 Cart and Springs

To demonstrate simple harmonic motion of a mass between two springs.

3A20.30 Glider and Springs

To demonstrate simple harmonic motion in the absence of friction.

Simple Harmonic Motion

3A40.00 Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion

To illustrate different types of simple harmonic motion, and to draw contrast with chaotic motion.

3A40.10 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion

To show that simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion.

3A40.15 Phase Space

To illustrate the relationship between velocity and position for simple harmonic motion.

3A40.32 Inversor

To demonstrate circular motion can be converted into linear motion.

Damped Oscillators

3A40.33 Water Oscillation in a Tube

To show simple harmonic motion of water in a tube.

3A40.66 Two Parallel Carts with Springs

To show phase differences in simple harmonic motion.

3A40.67 Reduced Mass

To show that in a system of two carts connected by a spring, the period of oscillations changes when one cart’s position is fixed.

3A50.10 Over-Damped Simple Harmonic Motion

To demonstrate over-damped simple harmonic motion.

3A50.11 Damped Oscillations - Cart and Springs

To demonstrate the position, velocity and phase space of a mass oscillating between two springs with damping.

3A50.12 Damped Oscillations - Pendulum with Springs

To show damped simple harmonic motion of a pendulum with springs.

3A50.15 Eddy Current Pendulum

To show induced eddy currents damp the oscillations of a pendulum.

3A50.60 Damped Tuning Fork

To show the damped oscillations of a tuning fork.

Driven Mechanical Resonance

3A60.00 Hand-driven Simple Pendulum

To show the phase shift at resonance of a hand-driven simple pendulum.

3A60.10 Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse (Video)

To show the consequence of driving a system too hard at resonance.

3A60.35 Driven Bowling Ball Pendulum

To show a small driving force at resonance creates large amplitude oscillations.

3A60.40 Hand-driven Mass on a Spring

To show the phase shift at resonance of a hand-driven mass on a spring.

Coupled Oscillations

3A60.47 Driven Double Spring Oscillator

To demonstrate driven oscillation and resonance.

3A60.99 Water Balloon Resonance

To show a water balloon driven at resonance.

3A70.10 Wilberforce Pendulum

To illustrate coupled oscillations and beat phenomena in a system with two oscillation modes.

3A70.20 Coupled Physical Pendula

To demonstrate normal modes and beats of a mechanical system with two discrete oscillators.

Normal Modes

Lissajous Figures

Non-linear Systems

3A75.10 Normal Modes of Coupled Gliders

To show the normal modes of a mechanical system comprised of discrete masses coupled with springs.

3A80.10 Sand Pendulum

To show Lissajous figures traced in the sand by a pendulum.

3A80.20 Lissajous Patterns on the Oscilloscope

To show stable Lissajous figures.

3A95.10 Water Relaxation Oscillator

To demonstrate periodic motion that is not simple harmonic.

3A95.33 Large Amplitude Pendulum

To show the large amplitude oscillations of a physical pendulum are nonlinear.

3A95.50 Chaotic Double Pendulum

To demonstrate chaotic motion with a double pendulum.

3A95.51 Chaotic Pendulum Phase Space

To show the phase space of a chaotic pendulum.

3A95.55 Chua's Circuit

To demonstrate a circuit in which current oscillates chaotically.

Wave Motion

Transverse Pulses and Waves

3B10.10 Spring Pulse

To demonstrate transverse traveling and standing waves.

3B10.14 Crack the Whip

To show a transverse wave pulse is responsible for the loud crack of a whip.

3B10.16 Wave Transitions Between Media

To show that a wave’s velocity and wavelength depend on the media in which it travels.

3B10.30 Torsional Wave Machine

To demonstrate traveling and standing waves in a discrete mechanical system with 72 oscillators.

Longitudinal Pulses and Waves

3B10.60 Ripple Tank

To demonstrate wave properties.

3B10.75 Pendulum Waves

To demonstrate that the period of a simple pendulum depends on its length and to introduce the concept of aliasing.

3B20.10 Slinky

To show longitudinal waves with a slinky.

3B20.30 Longitudinal Wave Machine

To demonstrate longitudinal waves with a wave machine.

Standing Waves

Impedance and Dispersion

3B22.10 Modes of Vibration of a Flexible Spring

To show the normal modes of a flexible spring.

3B22.11 Modes of Vibration of a Flexible String

To show the normal modes of a long string.

3B22.90 Cranked Wave Model

To show that a standing wave is a superposition of two waves traveling in opposite directions.

3B25.05 Wave Reflection and Transmission with Two Slinkies

To show a wave pulse is partially reflected and partially transmitted at a boundary between two media.

Properties of Sound

Phase and Group Velocity

3B25.10 Impedance Matching

To show complete transmission across boundaries by matching impedances.

3B25.50 Transient Response

To show transient and steady-state behaviors.

3B30.30 Bell in a vacuum

To show that sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

3B33.20 Phase & Group Velocity

To demonstrate the relationship between the phase velocity and the group velocity of a wave packet.

Doppler Effect

Interference and Diffraction

3B40.10 Buzzer on a Rope

To demonstrate the Doppler effect with a spinning buzzer.

3B40.11 Doppler Speaker

To show the Doppler effect.

3B45.12 Doppler Shift with Ripple Tank

To demonstrate Doppler shift with water waves.

3B50.05 Huygen's Principle

To demonstrate that each point on a wave front can act as a wave source.

Interference and Diffraction of Sound


3B50.10 Ripple Tank Interference

To demonstrate diffraction and interference with water waves.

3B50.40 Interference Transparencies

To show the interference of two circular wave patterns.

3B55.10 Interference of Sound

To demonstrate interference of sound waves from two identical sources.

3B60.10 Tuning Fork Beats

To show the beats created by summing two slightly different frequencies.

Sympathetic Vibrations of Coupled Oscillators

3B70.10 Sympathetic Vibrations

To demonstrate sympathetic vibrations.


Wave analysis and synthesis

3C50.00 Fourier Synthesis

To construct a compound wave from up to nine harmonic components.

3C50.55 Acoustic Harmonics FFT

To deconstruct a sound sample into a sum of cosine and sine waves of variable frequencies.


Resonance in Strings

Resonance Cavities

3D20.10 Differential Sonometer

To demonstrate the properties of standing waves in a stretched wire.

3D30.10 Organ Pipes

To demonstrate a resonance cavity.

3D30.35 Bloogle Resonator

To demonstrate standing wave resonances in an open tube.

3D30.60 Kundt's Tube

To demonstrate standing waves in an air column.

Resonance in Plates, Bars and Solids

3D30.70 Hoot Tube

To demonstrate standing sound waves in an air column excited by convection currents.

3D40.20 Singing Rod

To illustrate longitudinal standing waves in an aluminum rod.

3D40.30 Chladni Plate

To show two-dimensional standing waves on the surface of a vibrating plate.

3D40.51 Spouting Bowl

To show the resonance of a clay bowl.

Tuning Forks

3D40.55 Breaking Glass with Sound

To show that a glass driven hard at its resonant frequency will shatter.

3D46.10 Tuning Forks

To demonstrate the resonant frequencies of various tuning forks.

3D46.90 Driven Tuning Forks

To show sustained oscillation without damping.