

Basic Units

1A10.15 Mass Measurement

To introduce the concept of mass.

1A10.20 Standards of Mass

To discuss units of mass and the concept of standards of mass.

1A10.25 Painted Meter Stick

To introduce the concept of length.

1A10.30 Standards of Length

To discuss units of length and the concept of standards of length.

Error & Accuracy

Coordinate Systems


1A10.40 Units of Time

To introduce the concept of time.

1A20.11 Hexstat

To model a binomial probability distribution.

1A30.30 Walking on a Rotating Platform

To demonstrate radial and angular components of motion.

1A40.11 Vectors

To introduce students to the concept of vectors.


1A60.10 Powers of Ten (Video)

To visualize the scale of the known universe.

Motion in One Dimension


Uniform Acceleration

1C10.10 Truck on a Sheet

To demonstrate how the total velocity of a truck changes when it rolls across a moving sheet.

1C10.20 Constant Velocity Dynamic Track

To demonstrate motion with constant velocity.

1C10.25 Constant Velocity Air Track

To demonstrate motion with constant velocity in the absence of friction.

1C20.10 Penny & Feather

To demonstrate that in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate.

1C20.20 Strings of Beads

To demonstrate constant gravitational acceleration.

1C20.30 Constant Acceleration Dynamic Track

To demonstrate motion with uniform acceleration.

1C20.35 Constant Acceleration Air Track

To demonstrate motion with uniform acceleration in the absence of friction.

1C20.44 Galileo's Incline

To demonstrate the constant acceleration of a ball down a ramp.

Measuring Gravitational Acceleration

1C30.55 Catch a Meter Stick

To measure a person’s reaction time.

1C30.56 Picket Fence

To determine the gravitational acceleration experienced by a falling object.

Motion in Two Dimensions

Displacement in Two Dimensions

1D10.10 Rotating Velocity Vectors

To demonstrate vector components of angular motion.

1D10.20 Inversor

To demonstrate that circular motion can be converted into linear motion.

1D10.40 Bicycle Wheel

To demonstrate angular and radial displacement.

1D10.50 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion

To show that simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion.

Velocity, Position and Acceleration

1D15.15 Kick Ball

To demonstrate change in position and velocity as functions of time.

1D15.20 Cycloid Generator (Simulation)

To show a point on the circumference of a rolling disk traces out a cycloid.

1D15.45 Triple Track

To show that three balls which travel down different paths in different amounts of time have the same final velocity.

1D15.50 Cycloid Track

To demonstrate the properties of a cycloid track.

Motion of the Center of Mass

1D15.55 High Road Low Road

To demonstrate that two balls released from the same height travel two different paths in the same amount of time.

1D40.10 Walk the Boat

To demonstrate that as a person walks across a rolling plank, the center of mass of the person/plank system remains constant.

1D40.11 Force Platform (Parallel)

To measure the parallel (shear) force compared to the center of mass motion.

1D40.14 Center of Mass Baton

To show that the center of mass of a projectile travels a parabolic path regardless of the motion of the rest of the object.

Central Forces

1D40.35 Center of Mass Between Two Objects

To show how the center of mass varies with the difference between the masses of the objects.

1D40.50 Dual Pendulum Dynamic Track

To show that as two heavy pendula swing, the system’s center of mass changes.

1D40.55 Dual Pendulum Air Track

To show that as two heavy pendula swing, the system’s center of mass changes in the absence of friction.

1D50.20 Cork on a String

To demonstrate that centripetal force is directed toward the center of a circle.

1D50.30 Carnival Ride

To demonstrate that centripetal force and friction can overpower gravity.

1D50.40 Pail of Water

To show that centripetal force prevents water from spilling out of a spinning bucket.

1D50.42 Greek Waiter Tray

To demonstrate that centripetal force holds a glass of water on a tray as the tray swings in a circle.

1D50.50 Orbiting Mass on a Spring

To show centripetal force stretches a rotating spring attached to a mass.

Deformation by Central Forces

1D50.70 Rolling Chain

To demonstrate that a chain loop with high enough angular velocity behaves as a rigid wheel.

1D52.10 Rotating Bands

To demonstrate centripetal force will flatten a rapidly rotating sphere.

1D52.17 Tornado Tube

To show that a vortex can be formed by centripetal force.

1D52.20 Water Spinner

To show that a parabolic surface is formed from rotating water in a container due to centripetal force.

Centrifugal Escape

1D52.32 Rotating Bubble

To demonstrate centripetal force using an air bubble in a dish of water.

1D52.37 Centrifuge

To demonstrate liquids of different densities can be separated by centripetal force.

1D55.10 Donut-o-pault

To demonstrate uniform circular motion with a spinning donut.

1D55.11 Broken Ring

To demonstrate a ball rolling along a ring continues tangentially when it reaches a gap.

Projectile Motion

1D55.30 Rotating Turntable and Puck

To demonstrate the forces felt by a puck at different locations on a rotating turntable.

1D60.05 Projectile Motion Ball

To demonstrate the basic principles of projectile motion.

1D60.10 Howitzer

To demonstrate the independence of horizontal and vertical components of a projectile's velocity.

1D60.20 Simultaneous Fall

To demonstrate the independence of horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of an object in free-fall.

1D60.30 Projectile and Falling Target

To demonstrate the independence of horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of a projectile fired at a falling target.

1D60.40 Water Parabola

To demonstrate that the maximum projectile range is achieved at a launch angle of 45 degrees.

1D60.41 Water Parabola with Parabola Vectors

To demonstrate that projectiles follow a parabolic path.

1D60.72 Vertical Billiards

To demonstrate the independence of horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of a billiard ball launched at a second ball in free fall.

Relative Motion

Moving Reference Frames

Rotating Reference Frames

1E10.10 Truck on a Sheet

To demonstrate how the total velocity of a truck changes when it rolls across a moving sheet.

1E10.11 Cart on Cart

To illustrate relative velocity using a cart on a moving track.

1E20.00 Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Frames

To demonstrate inertial and non-inertial reference frames using a pendulum on a turntable.

1E20.10 Classroom Foucault Pendulum

To show the coriolis force of the Earth.

1E30.28 Ball on a Rotating Turntable with Ramp and Hole

To demonstrate the Coriolis force on a ball rolling on a rotating turntable.

1E30.29 Coriolis Ball on a Rotating Track

To show that a ball on a rotating track moves in a straight line in the rotating reference frame.

Newton's First Law

Measuring Inertia

Inertia of Rest

1F10.10 Inertia Balance

To demonstrate how mass is measured independent of gravitational forces.

1F20.10 Inertia Ball

To show that inertia is resistance to acceleration.

1F20.24 Daruma Otoshi (Inertia Blocks and Hammer)

To show that inertia prevents a stack of blocks from falling when the bottom block is knocked out.

1F20.30 Pull a Tablecloth

To show that the inertia of a plate resists the acceleration of a table cloth pulled out from beneath it.

Inertia of Motion

1F20.60 Block and Hammer

To show inertia causes a block on a PVC pipe to remain in place when the PVC is struck by a mallet.

1F30.10 Constant Velocity Air Track

To demonstrate an object’s inertia keeps it in motion in the absence of friction.

1F30.11 Newton's First Law - Air Puck

To demonstrate Newton's first law of motion with a frictionless air puck.

1F30.15 Chain Fountain

To demonstrate the inertia of motion of a falling chain.

1F30.21 Water Hammer

To show that inertia causes percussion when water strikes the end of an evacuated tube.

Newton's Second Law

Force, Mass and Acceleration

1G10.10 Constant Acceleration Air Track

To demonstrate Newton's second law in the absence of friction.

1G10.11 Newton's Second Law Dynamic Track

To demonstrate Newton's second law with a pulley and dynamic cart.

1G10.12 Force Scale and Cart

To demonstrate Newton's Second Law with a cart and a spring scale.

1G10.25 Friction Block

To demonstrate Newton's Second Law with a cinder block and a spring scale.

1G10.30 Spring Scale and Normal Force

To demonstrate that the sum of the tension and normal forces supporting a mass is always equal to the mass’s weight.

1G10.31 Force Platform - Standing and Jumping

To show the force exerted by a person's feet while they are standing on and jumping off a platform.

1G10.32 Falling Chain

To show the force required to decelerate a falling chain is greater than the chain’s weight.

1G10.40 Atwood's Machine

To demonstrate Newton's Second Law with an Atwood’s machine and unequal masses.

Accelerated Reference Frames

1G20.30 Equivalence Principle Cup on Stick

To show that the force of gravity on a body cannot be distinguished from an acceleration.

1G20.41 Freefall Spring Scale and Mass

To show an object is effectively weightless in freefall.

1G20.45 Dropped Slinky

To demonstrate the equivalence principle with a falling Slinky.

1G20.71 Equivalence Principle Pendulum

To demonstrate that a pendulum rolling down an incline is effectively weightless.

Action and Reaction

1H10.02 Burning String

To demonstrate Newton's Third Law with a mass and spring.

1H10.10 Push Me Pull You

To demonstrate conservation laws and Newton's Third Law.

1H10.13 Two Carts and a Spring

To show that when a spring between two carts is compressed and released, the carts move apart with equal and opposite velocity.

1H10.20 Newton's Sailboat

To show action and reaction with a fan on a cart.

Statics of Rigid Bodies

Finding the Center of Gravity

Exceeding the Center of Gravity

1J10.10 Center of Mass

To find the center of mass of an irregularly shaped object.

1J10.30 Meter Stick on Fingers

To show that balance of torques and normal force can be used to find the center of mass of an object.

1J11.15 Tipping Block on an Incline

To show that a standing block topples when its center of mass is no longer supported by its base.

1J11.20 Leaning Tower of Lire

To show a stack of wooden blocks hanging off the edge of a table is stable as long as its center of mass is over the table.

Stable, Unstable and Neutral Equilibrium

1J11.50 Double Cone

To show that a double cone appears to roll uphill as its center of mass drops.

1J20.22 Balance Bird

To show that a low center of gravity helps an object maintain a stable equilibrium.

1J20.23 Curious George

To show that a low center of gravity helps a tightrope walker balance.

1J20.60 Wine Butler

To show that a counterweight allows a tilted board to balance in stable equilibrium.

Resolution of Forces

1J30.10 Suspended Block on Incline

To resolve the forces acting on a block on an inclined plane.

1J30.11 Ore Truck

To show how the mass of a cart affects the force it experiences.

1J30.20 Tension in a String

To resolve the tension on a string into two components.

1J30.30 Break the String

To show a hinged board can be used to break a string with only a small applied force.

Static Torque

1J30.50 Normal Forces

To demonstrate that the magnitude of the normal force depends on the angle of the surface.

1J40.10 Torque Bar

To demonstrate that torque is proportional to radius.

1J40.20 Torque Beam

To show the relationship between torque, force, and radius.

1J40.60 Slipping Ladder

To show increasing torque on a ladder eventually causes the ladder to sip.

Applications of Newton's Laws

Dynamic Torque

1K10.05 Faster than g

To show that the end of a board rotating under the force of gravity falls faster than g.

1K10.27 Hoist a Bucket

To show how torque can be used to lift a bucket.

1K10.30 Walking the Spool

To show the direction of rotation depends on the angle of the torque applied.

1K10.50 Feeble Minded Disk

To demonstrate that a net torque causes an object to roll uphill.


1K20.10 Incline Plane and Block

To demonstrate the effects of different coefficients of friction.

1K20.14 Friction Sandwich

To show friction acts against inertia.

1K20.30 Static and Dynamic Friction

To demonstrate static and dynamic friction.

1K20.70 Capstan

To show that friction increases exponentially with area.


1K20.75 Friction Books

To show the strength of the frictional force between the pages of two books.

1K30.10 Bed of Nails

To illustrate the relationship between force and pressure.


Universal Gravitational Constant


1L10.10 Cavendish Balance

To measure the gravitational constant.

1L10.20 Model Cavendish Balance

To model the Cavendish experiment.

1L20.10 Gravitational Well

To illustrate orbital motion in a gravitational potential well.

1L20.17 Ball Rolling in a Funnel

To show how a ball’s orbit changes as it rolls down a funnel.

1L20.40 Conic Sections

To demonstrate different possible orbital paths.

1L20.50 Ellipse Drawer

To draw an ellipse from two foci.

Work and Energy


Simple Machines

Non-Conservative Forces

1M10.20 Pile Driver

To show the equivalence of energy and work.

1M20.10 Pulleys

To demonstrate the mechanical advantage of different pulley configurations.

1M20.40 Levers

To demonstrate the mechanical advantage of different classes of lever arms.

1M30.10 Sliding Mass on a Glider

To demonstrate the energy lost in an inelastic collision.

Conservation of Energy

1M30.20 Board on a Rope

To show conservative and nonconservative changes in mechanical energy.

1M40.10 Bowling Ball Nose Basher

To demonstrate conservation of energy of a large pendulum.

1M40.15 Galileo's Stopped Pendulum

To show that the energy of a pendulum is conserved throughout its swing even when its length is changed.

1M40.20 Loop-the-Loop

To illustrate the conversion of potential energy to translational and rotational kinetic energy.

1M40.25 Double Dip Energy Path

To demonstrate an energy barrier.

1M40.33 Triple Track Conservation of Energy

To show that three balls with the same initial potential energy which travel down different paths have the same final kinetic energy.

1M40.41 Ballistic Pendulum

To show conservation of momentum in an inelastic collision.

1M40.62 Gravity Launcher

To show conservation of energy as a ball rolls down an incline.

1M40.63 Two Carts and a Spring

To show how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as two carts oscillate on a spring.

1M40.64 Spring Launched Cart

To show that the potential energy in a compressed spring is converted to kinetic energy when the spring is released.

1M40.65 Spring Launched Nut

To show the potential energy in a compressed spring is converted to the kinetic energy when the spring is released.

1M40.77 Energy Conservation of Simple Harmonic Motion

To calculate the kinetic, potential, and total energy of a cart oscillating between two springs.

1M40.78 Conservation of Energy Cart on an Incline

To show the kinetic, potential, and total energy of a cart on an incline.

Linear Momentum and Collisions

Impulse and Thrust

Conservation of Linear Momentum

1N10.20 Egg & Sheet

To demonstrate impulse by catching a raw egg in a sheet without breaking it.

1N20.10 Constant Velocity Air Track

To demonstrate conservation of linear momentum in the absence of friction.

1N20.13 Two Carts and a Spring

To show that when a spring between two carts is compressed and released, the carts move apart with equal and opposite momentum.

1N20.15 Car on a Rolling Board

To show momentum is conserved as a car drives across a rolling board.


Collisions in One Dimension

1N20.18 Metronomes on a Rolling Board

To show that metronomes on a rolling board become synchronized after a few cycles due to conservation of momentum.

1N22.10 Red Ball Express

To demonstrate conservation of momentum propels a rocket car forward.

1N22.25 Rocket Balloon

To show the force of air shooting out of a balloon propels the balloon forward.

1N30.10 Newton's Cradle

To demonstrate conservation of momentum and energy in elastic collisions.

Collisions in Two Dimensions

1N30.30 Elastic & Inelastic Collisions Dynamic Track

To illustrate elastic and inelastic collisions.

1N30.33 Elastic Collisions Air Track

To show conservation of energy and momentum during elastic collisions of objects with different masses and velocities in the absence of friction.

1N30.60 Basketball and Tennis Ball

To show the transfer of momentum in a collision between two balls with very different masses.

1N40.20 Air Puck Collisions

To demonstrate elastic collisions in two dimensions.

1N40.50 Scattering

To demonstrate scattering of two balls at different gravitational potentials.

Rotational Dynamics

Moment of Inertia

1Q10.10 Moment of Inertia Bars

To show two bars with the same length and mass have different moments of inertia.

1Q10.20 Torsion Pendulum

To show the moment of inertia of a torsion pendulum is directly proportional to its period of oscillation.

1Q10.40 Moment of Inertia Race

To show an object’s angular acceleration depends on its moment of inertia.

1Q10.41 Rotation & Adjustable Moment of Inertia

To show the angular velocity of a spinning object depends on its moment of inertia.

Rotational Energy

1Q10.66 Inertia Wheel

To show that moment of inertia is resistance to angular acceleration.

1Q10.80 Parallel Axis Theorem Disk

To demonstrate the parallel axis theorem.

1Q20.10 Whirligig

To show the energy of a falling mass is converted into rotational energy of a spinning object.

1Q20.30 Spool on an Incline

To demonstrate the conversion of rotational kinetic energy into translational kinetic energy.

Transfer of Angular Momentum

Conservation of Angular Momentum

1Q20.52 Two Falling Disks

To demonstrate the conversion of potential energy into rotational and translational kinetic energy.

1Q30.30 Wheel and Projectile

To show linear momentum is converted to angular momentum when a projectile lands on the rim of a bicycle wheel.

1Q30.51 Center of Percussion

To show that an object rotates about an axis when struck at the corresponding center of percussion.

1Q40.10 Rotating Stool and weights

To demonstrate conservation of angular momentum.

1Q40.25 Cork on a String

To demonstrate that angular momentum is conserved as the moment of inertia and angular velocity of a cork on a string changes.

1Q40.26 Hoberman Sphere

To demonstrate that angular momentum is conserved as the moment of inertia of a rotating sphere changes.

1Q40.27 Astrojax

To show angular momentum is conserved when a ball's radius of orbit is increased and decreased.

1Q40.30 Spinning Wheel and Stool

To show angular momentum is conserved when a torque is applied to a spinning wheel.

1Q40.46 Bowling

To show the conversion of translational momentum to angular momentum.

1Q40.56 Acrobatic Astronauts (Video)

To show the conservation of angular momentum in the absence of gravity.

1Q40.63 Unbalanced Flywheel on a Stick

To demonstrate the conservation of angular momentum in an unbalanced flywheel.

1Q40.64 Unbalanced Wheel

To show an unbalanced wheel wobbles as it spins to conserve angular momentum.


1Q40.70 Ball Rolling in a Funnel

To show that a ball rolling down a funnel conserves angular momentum.

1Q40.80 Hero's Engine

To show the conversion of linear to angular momentum in a glass boiler.

1Q50.00 Toy Gyroscope

To show the precession of a gyroscope on a pedestal.

1Q50.10 Counterbalanced Gyroscope

To show the precession and nutation of a counterbalanced gyroscope.

Rotational Stability

1Q50.23 Bike Wheel Precession

To show precession with a bicycle wheel.

1Q50.30 MITAC Gyroscope

To show the response of a gyroscope to an applied force.

1Q50.45 Air Bearing Gyroscope

To demonstrate the precession and nutation of a gyroscope without friction.

1Q60.15 Humming Top

To illustrate stable rotation at high angular velocities.

1Q60.16 Celt

To demonstrate unstable rotation.

1Q60.30 Tippe Top

To show unusual rotational stability.

1Q60.40 Stable and Unstable Axes

To illustrate stable and unstable axes of rotation.

Properties of Matter

Hooke's Law

Tensile and Compressive Stress

1R10.10 Hooke's Law

To show the distance a spring stretches is proportional to the force applied.

1R10.11 Series & Parallel Springs

To demonstrate effective spring constants of springs in series and parallel.

1R20.01 Compression of a Spring

To introduce the concept of compression.

1R20.10 Three Strings

To demonstrate Young's modulus.

Shear Stress

Coefficient of Restitution

1R20.20 Bending Beam

To demonstrate the different strains felt by the different portions of a bent beam.

1R20.32 Stress Strain Viewer

To show the stress and strain within a material using polarized light.

1R30.20 Foam Block

To demonstrate the effects of shear stress and strain.

1R40.30 Sad & Happy Balls

To demonstrate the effect of a material’s coefficient of restitution.