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Time Dilation - An Experiment With Mu-Mesons: [Link doesn't exist anymore]

Time Dilation: An Experiment with mu-Mesons - 36 minutes

David H. Frisch, MIT, James H. Smith, University of Illinois

Using the radioactive decay of cosmic ray mu-mesons the dilation of time is shown in a filmed experiment which takes place on top of Mt. Washington, N. H., and at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. Data are taken to determine the time distribution of the decays of mu- mesons at rest. The counting rate for mu-mesons with speed of about .99 the speed of light which arrive on top of Mt. Washington is determined, and the number that survive to reach sea level is measured. From the experimental results the conclusion is drawn that the mesons, moving at .99c, keep time at about 1/9th the rate they do when they are at rest. A detailed report and critical analysis of this experiment has been published: Am. J. Phys. 31, 342(1963).

Ultimate Speed

The Ultimate Speed: An Exploration with High Energy Electrons

50 minutes William Bertozzi, MIT

The relationship between the kinetic energy of electrons and their speed is investigated for the range of accelerating voltages 0.5 Mev. to 15 Mev. The speed of the electrons is measured by the time-of-flight techniques and the kinetic energy of the electrons is measured by calorimetric means. The results indicate a limiting speed equal to that of light, in agreement with the theory of special relativity.

Singapore National University [Page not found -- doesn't exist anymore]

CPO Physics [Page not found -- doesn't exist anymore]

Physics in Context- Cord Communications [Page not found -- doesn't exist anymore]

Sapling Learning [Page not found -- doesn't exist anymore]

SmartPhysics [Seems to be a cyber-security problem with this site -- some browsers might have issues connecting]

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IOP Quantum Physics [Link doesn't exist anymore]