Modern Physics

Quantum Effects

Photoelectric Effect


7A10.00 Photoelectric Effect with Photocell

To demonstrate the photoelectric effect.

7A10.10 Photoelectric Effect with Zinc Plate

To demonstrate the energy of light is a function of its frequency not intensity.

7A10.11 Photoelectric Effect (Simulation)

To show the effects of light frequency, light intensity and stopping potential on photocurrent.

7A30.10 LED in Liquid Nitrogen

To show that when an LED is immersed in liquid nitrogen, the wavelength of light emitted changes.

Wave Mechanics

7A50.05 Particle in a Box (Simulation)

To show the properties of a quantum mechanical particle confined to a box.

7A50.11 Quantum Mechanical Wave and Barrier Penetration (Simulation)

To show a wave tunneling through a potential barrier.

7A50.13 Scanning Tunneling Microscope

To demonstrate operation of a scanning tunneling microscope.

7A50.40 Bohr Model Vibrating Circular Wave

To demonstrate the quantization of Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom using a vibrating loop of wire.

Particle/Wave Duality

X-ray and Electron Diffraction

Condensed Matter

7A55.20 Single Photon Interference

To show the interference pattern produced by single photons passing through a double slit.

7A60.10 Sargent Welch Electron Diffraction

To show the diffraction patterns produced by an electron beam passing through various crystal lattice structures.

7A60.11 Nakamura Electron Diffraction

To show electron diffraction through a crystal lattice.

7A70.50 Superfluid Helium

To demonstrate the properties of superfluid helium, including the lambda transition (quiescence), the creep effect and the fountain effect.

Atomic Physics



Fine Splitting

7B10.10 Emission Spectrum

To show the emission line spectrum for various low pressure gases.

7B11.10 Sodium Absorption and Emission Spectrum

To show the absorption and emission lines of sodium flames.

7B11.13 High Pressure Sodium Emission and Absorption Line

To show the emission and absorption line spectrum for high pressure sodium gas.

7B20.10 Zeeman Effect

To show the splitting of mercury interference lines in the presence of a strong magnetic field.

Electron Properties

Atomic Models

7B35.10 Cathode Ray Tube

To show the deflection of an electron beam by electric and/or magnetic fields within a cathode ray tube.

7B35.50 Electron Momentum Paddle Wheel

Shows that an electron beam has momentum and can rotate a paddle wheel

7B50.17 Pauli Exclusion and Electron Degeneracy Pressure

To show only two electrons can occupy an orbital.

Nuclear Physics


Particle Detectors

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

7D10.10 Geiger counter

To demonstrate radioactive decay of various sources with a Geiger counter.

7D30.50 Wilson Cloud Chamber

To observe particle tracks from a radiation source and cosmic muons.

7D40.21 Magnetic Torque Apparatus

To demonstrate torque on a magnetic dipole in a constant magnetic field.

7D40.41 Nuclear Spin Precession in the Earth's Magnetic Field

To see and hear the precession of the magnetic moments of hydrogen nuclei in the Earth’s magnetic field.

Models of the Nucleus

7D50.10 Rutherford Scattering (Video)

To show scattering of alpha particles by the atoms in gold foil.

7D50.40 Thomson and Rutherford Atoms

To simulate scattering experiments conducted on early models of the atom.


Special Relativity

General Relativity

7F10.10 Equivalence Principle

To show that the force of gravity on a body cannot be distinguished from an acceleration.

7F20.20 Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury (Video)

To show the precession of the perihelion of mercury.


Laser Construction

7G50.10 Build-A-Laser

To demonstrate an optical resonator produces lasing light.

Measurement Tools

7H10.10 Lock-in Amplifier

To demonstrate the function of a lock-in amplifier.