Summer Jobs, Internships, and Fellowships

The Watson Institute at Brown University

Location: Providence, RI

Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant with Professor Finnian Moore-Gerety

Description: It's a great experience! I haven't yet done the bulk of the work; it's an ongoing job.

Language Requirement: Sanskrit

Language Use: The opportunity requires that I use my Sanskrit skills to (1) help the professor peer-review a manuscript that draws on Sanskrit sources and (2) help the professor with Sanskrit passages, notes, and bibliography on his upcoming book.

Impact on Language Skills: I anticipate that my comprehension and reading speed will improve as this opportunity affords me more practice.

Opportunity Found Through: found the opportunity themselves

Paid: Yes

Application Process: Since the opportunity was informal at first, my friend and I reached out to the professor directly and asked if he needed help with his upcoming book. After that, we each met with him individually and came to an agreement on working together. Then, we reached out to the CCSA director to request that the opportunity be turned into a formal, paid job, which was done.