
Summer Jobs, Internships, and Fellowships

Newton Free School 

Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

Position:  ESL Teacher

Description: Teaching little children English

Language Requirement: Russian and Georgian

Language Use: I had to communicate with the children in English and Russian and Georgian

Impact on Language Skills: I learned more Georgian from the children

Paid: Yes 

Application Process: CV, interview

Contact Information: Fiametta Boffey '24 (

Museum of Russian Culture 

Location: San Francisco, CA 

Position:  Music Intern

Description: I have to tag and upload many Russian songs into an ethnomusicology archive. I notate the music and create labels for the content.

Language Requirement: Russian

Language Use: I read some Cyrillic to date recordings and learn more about them.

Impact on Language Skills: learned basic Russian 

Opportunity Found Through: Brown alumni networks 

Paid: No 

Application Process: Cover letter and resume

Contact Information: Emma Giventer-Braff '23 ( 

International Labor Organization 

Location: Remote 

Description: Developed a chat bot to combat forced adult and child labor in cotton fields; eased access to laws and regulations for improved reporting & monitoring of cases; liaised with ILO translators and workers to include relevant documentation. 

Language Requirement: Russian and Uzbek

Language Use: Translated the chatbot into different local languages and used.

Impact on Language Skills: More people had comfortable access to the bot in Uzbekistan, which is incredibly diverse in terms of languages spoken.

Paid: No 

Application Process: I cold-emailed a bunch of people at the ILO. I then had to submit my LinkedIn and CV. I was offered an interview to discuss interests and motivation and then offered the unpaid internship.

Internews Kazakhstan

Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan 

Position: Reporting Office Intern

Description: Translated reports and documents from Russian to English; Cleaned, compiled, and translated data in Excel; Wrote English language reports detailing USAID grant uses and project outcomes; Conducted research for various reports in English and Russian

Language Requirement: No requirement, although my internship specifically required Russian language since I speak Russian, but they tailor internship placement to each candidate's language level

Language Use: Most of my coworkers primarily spoke Russian, and I was also often tasked with translating content from Russian to English, conducting research in Russian, or filling in Russian language forms.

Impact on Language Skills: My level of fluency and vocabulary increased a lot, and my Russian language became "more Russian" in my usage of it. 

Opportunity Found Through: found through American Councils OPIT program

Paid: No, but host family and optional cultural excursions provided

Application Process: Had to submit transcripts, resumes, statement of purpose, general demographic information, and essays in a foreign language if you wanted to have a language component in your internship.


SRAS and NovaMova

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Position: Student

Description: NovaMova is a small language school in Kyiv. The language program was great, but the study abroad organization (who contracts with the language school) was not the best.

Language Requirement: No (recommend 2 yrs).

Language Use: Everyday

Opportunity Found Through: found through American Councils OPIT program

Paid: No, but study abroad included host family, some transportation, on-site assistance, and excursions 

Application Process: Online application with simple prompts

