Welcome to the

BCA Mindfulness Club

Come in Stressed and Leave Refreshed!

Photo of Students and Meditation Leader meditating

Inviting BCA Freshman - Seniors

Remote Sessions 10:30 AM - 12 Noon

We develop our intelligence and strengthen our bodies, giving little attention to our mind. “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally,” Kabat-Zinn.

Join this club to experience a quality of inner-stillness that is always available, even when our life or circumstances feel out of our control.

We will cultivate Mindfulness practices that have been scientifically proven to increase focus and attention, self-regulation, compassion and resilience, using the Mindful Schools & M.E.LT. Curricula.

BCA Mindfulness Club is facilitated by Dr. Noble, BCA Mindfulness Center Project Co-Lead & Social Studies Teacher, Mindful Schools Certified Mindful Instructor and Millennium Forum Mentor.

All BCA students are welcome. Students can also apply for the position of a grade level Mindfulness Student Ambassadors to be trained in the use of multimedia kits, raise awareness and promote Mindfulness for Everyday Living and Transformation (M.E.L.T.) Ambassadors will train as mindful creators and curators of poetry, music, video and alternate artistic forms of expression to share in community while facilitating peers’ internal exploration of identity, challenging bias and inequities.

A Club Zoom Link, Announcements and Agendas will be posted on Google Classroom

(Eligible for Community Service Hours and NO Homework!!)

aawvgwz < Join Code for Mindfulness Club

Contact: LNoble3@schools.nyc.gov