Psychological Services

The school psychologist is avail­able for consultation about any stu­dent. She works closely with the Counseling Depart­ment, classroom and special education teachers, and the administra­tion. The psychologist utilizes parent-teacher confer­ences, classroom observations, and school records to help understand the stu­dent. She assists families and teach­ers to re­inforce positive be­havior or, if neces­sary, to alter undesirable pat­terns. She also meets with individ­ual students to discuss their con­cerns.

When there is concern regarding student performance and/or behavior that might be reflective of a disability, a referral is made to the psychologist or directly to the Committee on Special Education. Information is gathered from teachers and the school counselor to clarify the student’s needs. Indi­vidual psychological and academic testing is done by the psychologist as deemed necessary and with the consent of parents. The Com­mittee on Special Education (CSE) reviews all information and testing and if a disability is identified, establishes those supports that meet the needs of the individual student.