10th Grade Meeting Scope

Sophomore year is a pivotal year. The Counseling Department’s primary suggestion to sophomore students is to continue to build on the success they achieved during freshman year. More specifically, maybe you excelled in World History during 9th grade and you are ready to take Advanced Placement World History. Maybe you spent 9th grade exploring your interests in computer science and you want to continue to enroll in the computer science offerings in the high school. In short, continue to build upon last year’s accomplishments while simultaneously delving deeper into areas of strength and intellectual curiosity. Conversely, if 9th grade was not as successful as you had hoped, make 10th grade your turn around year. Set goals related to specific courses and take the necessary actions needed to achieve those goals. Your child's school counselor and other support staff, if needed, are committed to helping your child identify potential goals and working with him/her to design plans which will help to achieve them. 

During sophomore year students are also eligible to take the PSAT (a practice SAT). The test is administered in October and students are able to sign up if they wish to sit for the exam. 10th graders should take the exam to get a sense of the types of questions on the SAT and to get a feel for the pacing of the exam. A students score is not shared with anyone outside of the high school.