9th Grade Meeting Scope

Much of the focus of the first half of the ninth grade year is about transitioning into high school.  Our trained Transition Leaders help with this process beginning with a meeting on the first day of school and then with follow-up meetings throughout the first semester helping freshmen to understand their schedules, the location of classes and teacher expectations and topics related to students in ninth grade.

During the first semester the Transition Leaders meet with their designated group of ninth graders during the Health 9 course.  The focus of their discussions in on such topics as personal responsibility, organization, study skills, and peer relationships. One of the highlights in the fall is a class trip to Boundless Adventure for a day of teamwork and bonding activities.

The School Counselor also meets with their freshmen individually in the late fall to review their progress.  Topics discussed include managing classes and schedule, developing organizational skills, involvements, problems they may be experiencing and self-advocacy skills.  If students are feeling uncertain about high school or are having difficulty transitioning, the counselor will serve as a resource to offer support and advice throughout this struggle. The Counselor will stay in touch with students, and if appropriate, be in contact with their family and/or teachers.