
Welcome to the world of Technology! Look at the amazing things we have been doing!

Did you know that Charles Babbage was the person who invented the computer? It was approximately two rooms wide. Other people crafted the computer and made it smaller and more useful. The picture below is an image of a mother board. A mother board is the board that all of the component work.

Have a look at this Scratch Project:

Scratch is a coding website to help children make things such as games, projects and more! Adults are also allowed to code on this website; it is for all ages!

Technology is amazing! It is the best! Come and look what we have been doing!We are going to do many things from coding to engineering!

Technology Challenge

This is a binary code. Can you work it out?

01010011 01110100 01100101 01101101 00100000 01000011 01101100 01110101 01100010 00001101 00001010

Report your answer in Technology Challenge answers. Here is the link

Apple was founded on 1st April 1976. Now Apple is a very famous company that are trying out new things with the help of technology. Also they have made new pieces of technology such as the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 10. As a result, technology can do things for us like the robot ASIMO founded by Honda. Take a look at these images: