
From Jan 2018, all Brentwood School students and teachers will have been issued with an iPad, making Brentwood fully 1:1. There are some slight differences in devices, for example, some have slightly larger storage capability, however, all run the same operating system, iOS. It is important that this is kept up to date (see clip below) in order to keep your device secure and running smoothly.

Essential Tip!

To save time and remove the need to type your full email address follow this guide and set up you own keyboard shortcut.


Apple and it's team of Apple Distinguished Educators have produced a vast array of iBooks to support 1:1 schools like ours. I will try to filter and push the best guides to staff devices via iBooks, however, feel free to explore yourself. Simply open iTunesU on your iPad , select 'More', then 'For Educators'.

Apple Teacher Programme

The Apple Teacher programme is an opportunity for teachers to develop their knowledge of Apple tools and gain accreditation for doing so. It contains a series of guides, followed by a series of questions relating to the specific tool. If you are a regular Apple user then you should find the assessments relatively straightforward and I would recommend completing the programme. If you are new to Apple then you may want to pick a choose which sections to complete. We do not use Apple applications, such as Keynote, Pages, and Numbers at School, and, subsequently, your time might be better spent elsewhere.