Ice Skating Program

Learn to Skate Program Overview

Branksome Hall Asia’s Skating Program has been developed in progressive stages for our Junior School students. It allows each child to develop foundational skating skills which are needed in order to be a confident, competent, and successful skater. These foundational skills allow for students to participate in a wide variety of activities on the ice such as: figure skating, speed skating, ringette, and hockey.

We have developed clear outcomes for each of our grade levels that we aim for all children to complete. These focus skills are based on three programs including CanSkate, Ice Sports Industry (ISI), and SHAPE America (PE). CanSkate is a learn to skate program based in Canada. The Ice Sports Industry is an international organization which created America’s original learn-to-skate program. The Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE) America serves as the foundation for well-designed physical education programs. 

As students move throughout our program, we want them to feel comfortable and confident on the ice, to be prepared for competitions, and to perform at a high level! See below for the grade level breakdown focus skills. 

Copy of Parent Meeting: Skating Program

JKP Focus Skills

Balance on 2 feet

 Fall down and get up properly

Move forward

March in Place

March forward with an assist

March forwad and glide, with an assist

 March around the spot

Push an assist and March forward 

JK Focus Skills

Fall down and get up properly

 Move forward - Push, Push, Glide, no assist

Push, Push, Glide for 3 seconds, no assist

Make snow

March backward with an assist

March around the spot

2-foot twist on the spot

 Jump on the spot

SK Focus Skills

 Fall down & get up properly

Fwd push/glide sequence

Fwd 2-foot glide

 Fwd 2-foot sit glide

Bwd 2-foot walking with assist

 Snow slide steps - R and L

 2-foot jump (stationary)

 Fwd skating perimeter of ice

 Rocking Horse

G1 Focus Skills

Fwd 2-foot sculling/swizzles

Fwd push/glide sequence

Fwd stop / Snowplow Stop

Bwd push/glide sequence

Fwd 180˚ glide turn ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Fwd 2-foot jump

2-foot turn ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Fwd 2-foot turn

G2 Focus Skills

" Fwd stationary blade push 

(T, V or L)

 ❍ R ❍ L"

Fwd 2-foot slalom

Fwd 2-foot to 1-foot glide ❍ R ❍ L"

Fwd stop with speed ❍ R ❍ L ❍ Both"

Bwd 2-foot sculling

Bwd push/glide sequence

Bwd 2-foot glide

Bwd 2-foot turn

 Fwd 2-foot quick turn

Fast fwd perimeter skating ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

G3 Focus Skills

Fwd inside slalom

Fwd outside slalom

Fwd circle thrusts/Half Swizzle ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Walking crosscuts/crossovers ❍ R ❍ L"

Fwd 2-foot to 1-foot glide ❍ R ❍ L"

Bwd 2-foot slalom/backward wiggle

Bwd 2-foot sit glide

Skate goal line to 1st blue line in 9 seconds or less

2-foot spin

 Fwd 360˚ step turn

G4 Focus Skills

Fwd inside edges

Fwd 2-foot to 1-foot curve glide ❍ R ❍ L

Fwd 1-foot glide with speed ❍ R ❍ L

 Fwd Crossovers ❍ CW ❍ CCW

Fwd drag/lunge

Fwd push/glide sequence (advanced)

Fwd perimeter skating with jumps

Fwd 2-foot side stop ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Bwd push/glide sequence

Bwd circle thrusts/Half-swizzle ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Fwd 1-foot glide from blue line to blue line ❍ R ❍ L

Skate goal line to 2nd blue line in 12 seconds or less

Bwd 360˚ step turn

Fwd 360˚ glide turn ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

G5 Focus Skills

Fwd outside edges

Fwd perimeter skating with crosscuts ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Fwd power crosscuts ❍ CW ❍ CCW"

Fwd perimeter skating with side stops

Fwd crosscuts/Crossovers - figure 8

Inside spread eagle

Fwd 2-foot side stop with speed ❍ CW ❍ CCW

Bwd 2-foot to 1-foot glide ❍ R ❍ L

Skate perimeter of ice in 35 seconds or less

 Bwd stop

 Fwd power jump

 Bwd 2-foot quick turn

 Bwd 2-foot jump

 2-foot spin

1 - Program
1- BHA Ice