
Did you know that research is showing that we can inoculate against information pollution?  Seriously. We can train ourselves to spot bad info. It's not terribly hard either. It's about finding fallacies in logic and arguments and evidence that don't make any sense. 

Start by heading to the Inoculation Science website. They have some great infromation and ways to teach yourself to start spotting these nefarious bits of garbage. Now, don't get weirded out by the work inoculation--you not going to get a shot or anything like that. You watch some short and playful videos. Or you can play some games. Or both! These simple activites can help you spot information pollution before it starts to manipulate you. 

There's a few key ideas they like to point out. Here are ways you can avoid bad information: 

What forms of logical fallicies do you see in the image to the right? 

A man in a suit saying "Goats are to blame for everything" and a goat that says "If you weren't such a cross-eyed dolt, millions of puppies wouldn't have to die!"

Some Activities: 

Inoculation Science  has great games as well as some great videos to get playing and exploring. 

Cranky Uncle--the online game! Learn about different ways you might be manipulated. Also available for your cell phones.  

Infromation Pollution: What's the Worst?  Try this short activity best for groups. Learn about different types of information pollution by trying to rank them from the terrible to terriblerest. That's not a word. But you get the idea. 

Information Pollution: Personifying that Pollution: Okay, this is a funny little assignment where you try to assign characters to verious types of information pollution. 

Information  Literacy Kahoot, Vol. 1:  Try this short six question Kahoot to test your skills.  

Information Literacy Kahoot, Vol 2: Hey! Another short Kahoot, another six questions to see how well informationally literate you are!  

Information Literacy Kahoot: The Mega Kahoot! This is a bigger Kahoot that combines the previous Kahoots with other questions about media literacy. 

Prebunking Slides #1: Here are five bits fromt the media. Can you tell if they're good, questionable or garbage? Contact Mr. Dixon for the answers. 

Ad Fontes Interactive Media Bias Chart: It's a fascinating chart that shows many the span of bias. Worth poking around.  

Information Pollution What’s the worst?
Information Pollution: Personifying that Pollution


Roozenbeek, J., van der Linden, S., Goldberg, B., Rathje, S., & Lewandowsky, S. (2022, August 24). Psychological inoculation improves resilience against misinformation on social media. Science Advances, 8(34), abo6254.

*Short videos that inoculate against misinformation online. (2023) Inoculation Science. Retrieved November 21, 2023 from 

Artwork:   Dixon, S. (2023, December 10). Information Pollution [PNG]. Canva.].